update 14.3.16

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Hoi guys!
I'm currently trying to fight everyone and everything.
I stabbed myself the other day.
And I still feel like shit!
Oh and I cant sleep at night...So I sleep all day.
Havent been cutting but I did acidentally stab myself...I'm a moron I know hush!!!

Link me some good fanfiction stories please! I need something to read during my travels.

Yeah...alot of family and friend problems right now.
I pushed all my friends away.
My dad wont talk to me.
My mum had a stroke.

ITS ALL GONE TO HELL! ....like my soul

Yeah. When I stabbed myself I just laughed and made jokes about it...and put myself down. I seriously want to kill myself but hey fucking life bro!!

Yeah so I havent really been out of the unit for a week. And before that I was stuck with my grandparents who make me want to slit my throat and rip the wound open. Yay my life is shit...BUT NO ABUSE YAY! Sucks for me I have PTSD. My anxiety is at an all time high. My depression is killing me. And I can't walk down the street without breaking down. Yay! Kill me!
Oh yeah my new buddy at college keeps making suicide jokes....fucking yay. One of these days I'll walk infront of the train...

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