Chapter 2: Don't Mess With My Bae

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取りつかれ Toritsukare(Obsessed

Ishida Yuuki POV

Chapter 2:Don't Mess With My Bae

Asami:"Get that knife away from me you psycho!" Asami screamed and yelled.

Yuuki:"Don't bother no one can hear you."

Asami:"PLEASE!!!!!! I am begging you please. I won't tell anyone about this. I promise."

Yuuki:"LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!" I stapped her in her left leg and she moaned in pain

I looked at my hands covered with her blood and I giggled to myself. I have always wondered why human blood felt so soothing on your hands.

Yuuki:"You see why should just leave Senpai alone."

Asami:"But you're not together." She said as tears fell from her eyes.

Yuuki:" Lies!!!!" I stabbed in the right arm.

I laughed maniacally.

Asami:"You're Insane"

Yuuki:"Shut up, fine since I am so insane. I guess you won't be fed tonight."




We walked together hand in hand on the beach. The cool breeze blowing through my hair and his bright smile made the day a whole lot brighter. I was dressed in a nice summer with sandals. The day couldn't get any better. He grabbed my hands and dragged me to the water. The sunset was setting and we stood there holding hands and starring deeply into each other's eyes. His gorgeous green eyes took my breath away. We were having the perfect moment.

Senpai:"Yuuki, you look so beautiful." He said nervously.

I bit my lip and then replied.

Yuuki:" You look amazing too."

*blush* *blush*

My face turned completely red

Senpai: "I have to tell you something"

Yuuki: " What is it."

Senpai: "I love you."

I felt like I was on Cloud 9. The moment, he said those words, I acheived complete happiness. I was still nervous. My heart raced and my face was redder than ever.

Senpai: "Will you KISS ME."

When he said those words. I froze. But I knew what I had to do.

I pulled his shirt and brought him closer. I brought my face closer to his. I reached in for the kiss.

[Real World]

*Beep* *Beep*

"Not again."

I was so close to getting that kiss so close. Why does the world hate me.

I didn't even bother to check on Asami because I was in such a bad mood.

"So close, so close."

My phone made its obnoxious sound and interupted my thoughts.

Asuka was calling. I called her back.

[phone call]

Asuka: Hey bestie

Yuuki: Hi. I said with a depressed voice.

Asuka: Whats wrong

Yuuki: Nothing

Asuka: You're lying

Asuka knows me so well, it pains me sometimes.

Yuuki: I had a dream about Senpai

Asuka: What, hello???

+Call disconnected+

I wonder what happened.

I quickly got ready and rushed to school.

[7:30 a.m.]

I arrived early and decided to take a look at my notebook. This notebook is special because it has plan on how to get senpai.

I should probably start my plan. The first thing say "Get Popular" I need to get popular.

"Why I am not popular, I am awesome."

I know I will just start complimenting everyone until I am ready to really join them.

Are you sure about this

Who said that

It is me, your conscience, I don't think you need to change for Senpai he needs to learn to love you for who you are.

Screw you, I do what I want, if you haven't noticed.

I am you!!!!!!


Did I really just talk to myself.

Tall girl: Hey you, have you seen Asami, she is in your class."

Seriously hey you

Yuuki: I don't know. I was talking to her about a project and after that I haven't seen her.

Tall girl: If you see her tell her Mia wants to talk to her

Yuuki: Will do

8 p.m.

[math class]

Ms.Hadashi: Yuuki-chan do you want to answer the question

Yuuki: Not really

I was drawing pictures of senpai and wasn't paying attention at all

Ms.Haddashi: ANSWER!!!!

Yuuki: (In my mind) shut the #### up

Yuuki: the answer is 5

Ms.Haddashi seemed puzzled .

Ms.Haddashi: This is not a joke. Fine Renji answer

Renji is the bad boy of the class

Renji:"Why don't you answer b####."

Ms.Haddashi: Excuse me

Renji: You heard

Ms. Haddashi: To the principal's office

Renji: I'm good right here

Ms.Haddashi: What

Renji: Bye miss I am going home. He said after showing *middlefinger*

Renji is so cute but my heart only belongs to senpai

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