"It won't be long," he told her.

She looked up into his pale blue eyes, a smile finally coming to her face as she gripped his hand instead. "What are we going to do first with our money?"

"Buy a home, maybe a ship." John kissed her cheek. "Once we have it, we escape this hellhole and never look back."

"I can't wait," she told him, giving back a much deeper and more passionate kiss on his lips.

Having scouted out the location in advance, John knew where he was supposed to meet the buyer. That was about the extent of his knowledge, though. The transmissions had all been heavily-encrypted, and no identifying details had been given to him, even when asked. The only things John needed to know, he'd been told, was when and where the exchange would take place, and how much he'd be making in the deal.

His smile grew as he walked with his wife, until they finally reached landing bay four. Passing through an opening set of sliding doors, Isabel gripped his hand tighter. A ship faced away from them, its stub nose tucked into the darkened far corner as if it were being punished.

John's heart thumped hard against the inside of his rib cage. He didn't see anyone standing here, but he'd double-checked and triple-checked the messages before setting out for the meeting, and they were right on time. Isabel's fingernails dug into his skin. He was just about ready to bolt when a loud clank resonated through the enclosed hangar, followed by even louder whirring. He looked over at the ship again, and saw the aft cargo ramp lowering.

Goosebumps covered John's skin as he set eyes on the man who had to be the buyer. He was a beast, standing tall and decked out in a full body suit, jet black and glistening. Bristly blonde stubble adorned the top of his head, his face chiseled like stone. The suit flexed along with the man's muscular chest, as he marched down the ramp and strode toward them with a frown.

The beast lifted an eyebrow as he drew closer. "John?"

He simply nodded, and came to a stop with Isabel clutching his hand almost to the point of cutting off circulation. The plan had been solid, but reality was setting in. John and Isabel were no criminals, and this man no doubt was.

"Elijah Cassus." The bulky beast extended a hand with a sly smile. "I assume you brought what we agreed upon."

John finally got his nerves under control, and pulled the wafer out from under his shirt. He blurted out in response, "And you?"

Elijah thumbed toward the open shuttle ramp, and a large duffel bag that rested just inside the ship. "Right there. Ten million, as agreed."

John's earlier feelings of mistrust finally began to dissipate. "Then it sounds like we have a deal."

Elijah's thin smile grew, before he turned and walked off toward the shuttle.

John muttered to his bride before following, "Stay here. I won't be long."

As they drew closer, John glanced at the duffel bag. Even from his vantage point at the bottom of the ramp, he saw several small holes in the outside of the bag, as if a projectile weapon had been used against it. He was no criminal, but knew enough not to ask questions. The only thing that mattered was those credits would soon be in his hot, little hands. Ten million credits would go a long way toward setting them up for the rest of their lives.

John unfastened a clasp behind his neck as Elijah climbed the ramp and hoisted the duffel bag off the floor plates. He pulled the wafer and its lanyard off, clasping the chain in his hand. He determined then and there not to let loose of it until he had the money. Elijah turned, and the two of them stood in a standoff.

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