Chapter 1; Miami

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April 24th, 2013


I walked into the airport, searching for the familiar black haired boy. I spotted him, talking to some guy who was with a girl.

"Hey Robert!" I shouted, him turning and smiling.

I grabbed my suitcase and walked towards them, my Brother with a big smile across his face. "You made it," He whispered, I could tell he was holding back tears.

See, the last time I had seen Robert was when I was 5, him 6. Our Parents got a divorce and I ended up living with our dad in Los Angeles, him staying with our mom in Texas. It was tough but we kept in touch until I was 10, we stopped talking to each other.

Anyways, let's go back to the story.

"I missed you so much," I say, a tear slipping from my cheek. We pulled away, The Blonde and The boy with the "bieber haircut" smiling at us. "Hi, I'm Sarah and this is my boyfriend, Alex." The girl spoke, i replying, "Nice to meet you guys," pulling them both into a big hug. "Well, we better get going, you have a lot of people to meet." Robert said, huddling us to his Black Range Rover.

After what felt like hours, we finally arrived in front of a gorgeous house, right next to a private beach. We all got out, Robert opening the front door to people waiting eagerly for us, big smiles on their faces. "Cass, this is Mrs. Mahone, Dave, Zach, and- wait where's Austin?" Robert asked. "Hello Dave, Mrs. Mahone, Zach," I say politely, Mrs. Mahone giving me a bone crushing hug. "You can call me Michele." She said. I nodded and hugged both Dave and Zach. "Dude, I told you my sister was coming!" I hear Robert shout from the backyard. He walked out of the house, me standing Awkwardly by the doorway. "Here, I'll show Cass her room." Sarah said, helping me with my suitcase. We walked up the stairs, leading me into a room decorated white and blue.

"We know it's simple but you can dress it up," She said. " seem really nice." I replied back, setting my suitcase on the floor. She smiled and excused herself from the room, closing the door gently behind her.

I walked around the room, me noticing I had a bathroom, well, sorta. It had another room leading across it, a bunch of shaving cream and razors and all that guy stuff scattered.

I guess I have messy... roomates.

I walked back into my room, sitting on the bed. I started un packing my clothes, setting them in the closet on the other side.

Since I lived in California, it wasn't a big climate change, so basically I had the perfect clothing. I laid out my bed sheets and comforter, my throw pillows scattered across the floor.

Just as I was about to unpack some more things, I heard the front door open and slam close, scathing the crap out of me.

I walked out of my room and saw a boy, around Mine and Robert's age, walk up the stairs slowly, focusing on his phone.I ran quickly back into my room and rummaged through my suitcase, the boy walking pass my room. I heard a door open and close, a muffled scream filling the room.

I'm guessing he is my roommate.

I walked through the bathroom and into his room, looking at him. "Um, I'm Cassandra, Roberts sister and you must be, um Austin right?" I say, debating on whether or not to just make a run for it or to just stay put until he responds.

And gladly, he did.

He looked up, his eyes almost popping out of its sockets. "Hi I'm Austin," he says smoothly, running a hand through his messy hair. "I got that, um well my rooms over there so yeah," I said, turning to go to my room. He grabbed my wrist and faced me to face him.

Falling for my Brothers Best Friend ➣ Austin MahoneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu