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Amazingphil: I love your videos

Danisnotonfire: I love yours too

Amazingphil: how did you know?

Danisnotonfire: you were in my recommendations

Amazingphil: omg I'm cringe worthy

Danisnotonfire: I'm Phil trash No.1

Amazingphil: ....

Danisnotonfire: hey those bitches got nothing on me

Amazingphil: why do I love you?

Danisnotonfire: because you like my noodz

Amazingphil: no..well yeah I do

Danisnotonfire: HAH YOU ADMIT

Amazingphil: I regret admitting

Danisnotonfire: I KNEW IT

Amazingphil: well I've seen better but 🤗

Danisnotonfire: ....

Danisnotonfire: that's just rude Philip

Amazingphil: it's the truth Daniel

Danisnotonfire: WOW OKAY BYE

Amazingphil: okayy byee

Danisnotonfire: I fucking love you

Amazingphil: I freaking love you too

Danisnotonfire: [picture]

Amazingphil: ffs Dan

Danisnotonfire: 🤗

Sorry it's been a few days! My internet sucks ass 😣
I srsly need to find a bf or gf that's loyal😕

QOTD: which season do you prefer?

AOTD: either summer or spring (probably summer)

If you are in a relationship and you feel that your partner lost interest, don't stay with them. Or if they tell you that they don't like how you look now. Just leave. You don't need the negativity 💕 learned this the hard way

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