08. 2:00 am

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This is already a bit anti-climactic because Alden has been back from Dubai since last week pero I'm posting it anyway. I wrote this last Sunday but adulting and insecurities got in the way so I'm only posting this now. Anyway tweet me your comments and/or fave lines @bankingonkismet.
Maine heard a knock on the door of her condo at 2 in the morning. She's been catching up on some Awkward episodes all night after sleeping through the day before. She wasn't expecting anyone but it could be Dean.

She paused the episode she's playing and walked to the door wearing a pair of pajama shorts and RJ's ratty shirt probably 2-3 sizes too big for her petite body. She opened the door and was surprised to see RJ smiling at her, taking her in, his shoulders visibly relaxing. She might have been frozen from where she stood because RJ had to call her name. As soon as she recovered, RJ would have stumbled backwards if he wasn't quick at holding onto the door frame because Maine suddenly lunged at him and all her weight fell on his shoulders. He caught her, lifted and twirled her around once then rested his hands on her back as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to the living room and gently kicked the door closed as he proceeded to caress her back to soothe her while one hand rested at the side of her thigh.

"Hey. I'm home. Are you okay? I missed you. Sobra.", he whispered to her softly.

"Ako din. Namiss lang kita. I'm not expecting to see you till tomorrow e. How was your flight?", her voice almost breaking.

"Ok naman. Ang tagaaaaal. I couldn't wait till tomorrow to see you. Kaya dito na ko dumiretso. Ok lang ba?"

"Oo naman."

Maine's embrace tightened as she rested her head between the crook of his neck and breathed in his warm scent. Not his perfume but him, that distinct scent that reminds her she's safe as long as his arms are wrapped around her. RJ's lips formed a smile as he heard her inhale. He missed her too. And this too, these very rare moments when Maine lets her guard down and lets him know exactly how she feels right in that moment.

Maine missed him, alright. So much that she wore his shirt tonight just so she could breathe in his scent. And yes, they've been calling each other and has been on Face Time every possible chance they get but this, this is so, so much better. Nothing ever compares to having RJ this close, knowing his heart beats only for her.

RJ breathed with a heavy sigh as he put Maine down onto the couch and sat beside.

"Hey." Maine asked as he looked at him a little worried, cupping his face with her hands.

"Nothing. I just...I just love you.", he said as he held Maine's face and rested his forehead on hers, smiling.

Maine is already used to hearing RJ tell her he loves her but this time, hearing him say those words seem to have so much more meaning that all the other times he did.

"You know I do too. I'm...I'm just not ready to say it yet."

"Hindi kita minamadali, Meng. I understand. Heck, I waited five years. I could wait five more. Maghihintay ako kahit gano pa katagal. I'm just happy na andito ka. Andito na tayo. Ikaw, happy ka?"

"Oo naman. I am, always..."

Their lips were only about an inch apart and both haven't realized yet that they were holding their breath. He closed his eyes and tried very hard to resist those lips. In fact kissing them was the first thing he wanted to do the moment Maine opened her door. He's still a gentleman though, so he didn't. But he doesn't think he could anymore, not this time. Not when the last time he saw her was on split screen and she was in pain. Not when the last time he held was in her hotel room in Boracay, him saying goodbye before he leaves for his flight back to Manila. No, he couldn't.

RJ gave in and sighed. He closed the gap between their lips gently, hesitant that Maine would resist, but she did not. Why would she when she's still full of gratitude for how much he made her feel special every day, and extra extra special on her birthday? When this man, whose lips are getting acquainted with hers at the moment, rearranged his life so he could free up space for her to be in it? When RJ, her sweet RJ, always puts his heart on his sleeves, at the risk of vulnerable, just to prove to her his sincere intentions?

No, she wouldn't. Maine responded with as much tenderness, wrapping her arms around RJ's nape as she tilted her head to give RJ better access to her lips while he moved his hand down to her waist. RJ, encouraged, deepened the kiss, his lips dancing with hers, to the tune of their hearts beating wildly within their chests. Sure, he had kissed her before. But not like this. Not as urgent as this, not as if his life depended on hers. He would have kissed her like this till sunrise, or at least until they'd have to come up for air.

"Thank you." As he pulled her in quick hug, let her go and give her lips a quick peck. Breathless. "Akin lang yan, please ha?"

"Sira. Kanino pa ba?", she said as she hit RJ on his arm.


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