~ Chapter Four: NERO

Start from the beginning

Uncle Jason and Aunt Piper. Aunt Piper was coming to get us from school this afternoon! I'd completely forgotten!

Esme looked at the person next to me. "Uncle Leo!" she gasped.

I glanced at him and realised, with a shock, that Esme was right. Out of all our 'aunts and uncles' and except for my godparents, Leo was - by far - my favourite. He taught me everything about girls, and I kinda looked up to him. His long-term girlfriend was Reyna, and she was h-o-t. Light honey-brown skin, with dark caramel-coloured hair and chestnut-brown eyes. Leo was handsome, sure, but Dad and Uncle Jason looked better. Leo must've won Aunt Reyna over purely on personality, unless she was attracted to five-foot-seven elfish-looking guys.

Leo stood up, fixing a grin on his face. "Welcome, campers, to the Hephaestus cabin's singsong gathering!"

Half the campers groaned. Quite right, too, I thought.

"I'm joking!" Leo said, which received smiles of relief. "Actually, it's a serious matter. Most of you know her as the Oracle for Camp Half-Blood -"

"That's where Dad works!" Esme whispered to me, her eyes wide.

"Ssssh!" I said.

"- but I will introduce her as the lovely Rachel Elizabeth Dare!"

Someone stood up from across the camp. A frizzy redhead popped up and made their way towards Leo.

"Thanks, Valdez," she said with a saucy wink. I groaned internally. Uncle Leo and Aunt Rachel - flirting? Not right. "So. I've been having... visions."

"What kind?" Teenage Mum asked.

"The strange kind," Rachel admitted. "As the Oracle, I can see things. Snippets of the future."

She turned to Percy and Annabeth. "You will have children."

"That's the strange thing?" Percy said innocently, gaining laughs from the campers.

"Yes!" Rachel snapped, causing silence to fall. "Believe me, it's not something funny, Percy Jackson! Your children will be dangerous. Even more dangerous than children... of the Big Three!"

Surprise rippled through the campers.

"The Big Three are, as you all know, the Lords Zeus and Hades and Poseidon," Rachel continued. "We know only of few children. Percy, the most powerful demigod in existence -"

Percy stood up and mocked a bow, beckoning more laughs - including one from Esme - as he raised his fists in pretend victory.

"- is the only human son of Lord Poseidon. We know that all gods now claim their children, it is an Olympian law that Annabeth Jackson pressured to be passed, after her husband Percy's persistence."

So Mum and Dad were married now. But what was all this talk with gods? And how could Dad be the son of Poseidon, the old Greek sea god? Impossible.

"Jason and Thalia Grace are the only known children of Lord Zeus. Hazel Levesque and Nico di Angelo are the children of Lord Hades. Although, Jason and Hazel are actually exceptions, as they are children of Zeus' and Hades' Roman forms, Jupiter and Pluto."

Esme looked at me and mouthed, What the hell is going on?

I shrugged and mouthed back, Beats me, keep listening.

"But Percy and Annabeth will have twins next year."

The camp cheered, to which Teenage Mum blushed.

The Jacksons (completed): Book 2 - Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now