Chapter 4: The Preping

Start from the beginning

"Good morning ", He said causing me to smile.

"Good morning to you as well.", I said giggling/ cringing at how corny I sound.

"I'm really sorry about getting off the phone so early last night." he said sounding generally a bit disappointed.

"No need to apologize you had work to do. I understand"

"I wanted to know are you still available tonight because I would love to have bring a beautiful woman with me to this dinner I am hosting tonight." He said in a sincere voice and I felt my face heat up with the compliment he gave me.

"Yes I am. What time does it start and is there a certain type of theme I'm supposed to dress up for?"

"It starts at 8:00 and no you could wear anything you want... " he said pausing for a little and started again, "Although something white would look gorgeous good on you", his voice went even deeper and sexier.

How Is that even possible?.....

"Umm thank you.. Now I know what color to wear and maybe when we leave the dinner you can show me how ravishing I look.." I said lowering my voice in a sexy tone hoping it did sound forced.

"Well that depends on if your being good... Maybe then I'll show you." He said flirting back.

He must be a freaky one

"If I'm being good? Huh?" I said smiling at his choice of works.

" Yes, and if you aren't then-. You know what you will see what happens yourself"

"I will?"

"Yes you will and I will be picking you up so be ready by 9:30"

"Whatever you say sir" I said laughing.

"That's new. "Sir" makes me feel like an old man... that's what my father made us call him but i like it coming from your mouth but i'm sure i'll like 'Daddy' better", He said laughing and I join.

"Well you 'Sir' are a freak but i don't really know about that 'Daddy' thing.", I said cheekily and he chuckled.

Bold one Alex

"Trust me when I say you haven't seen freak yet baby gi-" he stopped talking when someone knocking on his door and he said a quite "come in" and someone told him he had a meeting to attend.

"Well darling, looks like I have a meeting to go to but we will finish our conversation later alright?" He said sounding a bit sad.

"Well don't let me hold you up. I'll see you later anyways and we will definitely finish up our conversation. Until then sir." I said smiling.

"Until then Ma'am" he said laughing and I joined.

"Way to kill the mood with that 'ma'am " I said jokingly.

"It sounded a lot sexier in my head" He said with a little laugh.

"I see that. Well don't let me hold you up" I said calmly.

"You said that already, and I'd rather be on the phone with you then go to that meeting but it very important. So, bye darling have a nice day and I'll see you later"He said sweetly.

"I'd rather be talking to you too but you gotta go and do your job so I'll talk to you later..bye" I say softly and hung up the phone smiling. I know if Manda was she would probably be screaming if she heard our conversation.

"Daddy? Not bad." I said out loud trying to test it.

I continued to look at the paintings trying to kill time and then when it's around 8 I would start getting ready for my date with Kris.

Anon: Thanks you guys so much for helping me get 7k++ reads and 300++ votes and I'm sorry for the wait. I have been very busy with school and seeing how it's almost summer I have a lot of things on my plate. But thanks you guys for being patient and waiting for this update.
(BTW THIS WAS NOT EDITED) That will be done when the story is over.. (just redid some parts 7/5/18)

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