Maybe the other person in my dream had been Daniel. Dream-Theo had certainly been very focused on him. So absorbed in whatever had happened between the two of them that he hadn't even noticed the world falling away underneath him. I wasn't sure why I was still thinking about it anyway. I tried to lose myself in crap TV, but I wasn't really in the mood, and found myself fidgeting and looking around for something to do instead when my phone buzzed against the coffee table.

No plans, per se, as the Daniel in question is busy, but I have plenty of time for tea and you, my love. How are you fairing?

It's like he's got some extra-sensory shit and just knows. I called him up, and didn't wait for a hello. I rarely do. "I'm restless, angry- and don't you dare mention her- and wondering if you're ashamed of me. Why haven't I met him yet?"

Theo made a pained sound. "Ouch. You're going there? Right off the bat, straight for my testicles? I'm not ashamed of you dearheart, no. More ashamed of the hundred-plus years of Theo anecdotes you have in your arsenal."

He said arsenal, I say treasure trove, but I played along, sighing, "Ah memories. Such pretty weapons they make. Are you bringing him to my place or would he prefer neutral territory?" 

A cough, and then, "Shouldn't I be semi-comfortable with the word 'boyfriend' before I subject him to a couple of enthusiastic, curious vampires?"

He had a point, I supposed. We could be a bit much. "Fine. Have it your way. Though I promise to contain my enthusiasm. Anna on the other hand," I paused, finally catching on to what he'd said. "Wait- boyfriend?" For a subject I had been giving an awful lot of thought to that day, it still managed to sneak up on me.

I could hear that Theo was amused at my slow realization. "I did indicate a level of discomfort with the expression, did I not?" He was not one to be tied down. Not at all. "And for reference, you're curious. Anna's enthusiastic."

I rolled my eyes, and I'm certain that he could hear me do it. "I should have known. When was the last time somebody accused me of being enthusiastic?" Then the important question, "When's the last time you had a boyfriend?"

He thought for a moment. "Decades. If ever," he paused again. "Never?" I don't think never was true, but he was right. At least decades.

"Then you'll have to excuse my curiosity. I'll hold Anna off," I said, going back to eyeballing the stuff I had gathered on my rampage earlier that day. "She can help me burn this box of her stuff I just collected."

There was a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line. "You still had her things? Christ, love. She owes you storage fees." It wasn't as negative a reaction as I would have expected considering his dislike of Amara. 

"Just little odds and ends. Surprised I didn't sniff them out sooner," I said. I was serious. Now that I'd found them, they absolutely reeked of their owner. Sensitive nose, remember? I stood and pawed through the box, pulling out the necklace that had started my collection. "She might want this necklace back, but I can't call yet." I really didn't have it in me to hear her voice, and I couldn't count on myself to be civil just yet. I'd do it eventually, and it would hurt, but I wasn't going to just throw her stuff out.

"You can't fucking call her," Theo said. He meant ever. "What would be the point then, of telling her off and walking away on top? Give me the thing. I'll handle it."

"I'm masochistic, you know this," I had no doubt he'd take care of it for me. I wasn't sure how he'd contact her, but with Theo, sometimes you just don't ask questions. "But you're right. It's all yours. And thank you."

"Of course," he chuckled. "And if I freeze the necklace in a bag full of red water and leave it in her mailbox? Hypothetically."

Theo has always been able to send a message. His messages haven't always been pretty, but they have never failed to entertain me. This was tame, and hilarious.

"You're a terrible person. I love you." I couldn't hold back the grin on my face, or my fangs. I was pleased, okay?

"Of course I'm a terrible person," he agreed, his voice dark. We have the "do I even count as a person" discussion often.

"And I love you too. I was going to freeze it in a bag of blood, but that'd be such a waste." See? Messages aren't always so neat and tidy. I should tell you about the time with the pushy girl from the library and her brother. She wouldn't take no for an answer, the brother wouldn't either. Brother dearest threatened Theo, and there was a red velvet box and a severed finger involved by the end of it. Anyway...

"I should feel guilty for wanting you to do this," I sighed. "Instead I just want to buy you a puppy, or a vacation home, or new pajamas."

Theo laughed. It's one of the best sounds in the world, come to think of it. Full and genuine. "How about two extra-large white chocolate lattes, a giant blanket, and the cheesy vampire film of your choosing?" He was right; that was better.

"You always know just what I need. Are you hiding some other supernatural gifts?"

All I got in response was the jingle of keys and the sound of his front door shutting. He'd already known I'd say yes. Prescience? God, how handy it would have been for either of us to realize we had that particular talent. Most likely it was a hundred and fifteen years of constant companionship.

"My couch, thirty minutes?" I opened the fist that I hadn't noticed closing around the necklace and dropped it back into the box. The chain was only slightly tangled.  

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