Supervisory Special Agents: Team A

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SSA Simon: Simon's the Bad Cop. He usually yells at our UnSub, or bad guy, or kicks at him and even uses verbal abuse. It got so out of hand that Baki sent him into anger management. He is also the first person to use actual curses (fuck, shit, etc.) line he is famous for: "You think this is funny? -laughs with UnSub for a split second, then kicks them in the groin- STILL FUNNY, BASTARD?!"

SSA Baki: Baki teases Simon about being short, but Other than that, they're really close. Baki also enjoys reciting Shakespeare. He is the most secretive of the group, which is Why there is not much on him. His Line: "I enjoy Shakespeare, 'specially when I'm drunk because ironically, I remember everything when I'm drunk."

SSA Martin Petrov: Martin is the co-unit cheif and would technically be one if he and Simon weren't so immature. How immature? On a case, they played a prank war along the way. Martin is the reason Simon ended up cursing so harshly. Ever since, He always heard Simon mumble "I am going to crush you alive" Guess who won the prank war? WHOEVER GETS IT RIGHT WILL GET A SHOT AS A federal aGENT OR A MAIN CHARACTER IN TH NEW STORY his Line: " -looks at adorable Simon taking a kitten nap- I wish I could nap like that."

SSA Rayn "Double":  His name is Double for a reason. He carries two twin revolvers that he uses with good precision, and he often flirts with Ghost in a friendly playful way.....kinda. Nothing physical. Double also describes himself as a ladies man, to which even Baki and Ghost laughed at. He is the most laid back of the group. His Line: "Carrots, you are on speaker so watch what you say. (look at what Alex says for lols)

SSA Alex "Ghost": Gh0st was originally a RobinHood of the Internet, stealing from theifs who stole money and such and getting it back to their original owners. He was caught but instead of going to jail, Double offers him a job at Quantico. Double has hope for the hacker GhOst, and know what? Ghost joins. He calls the team "his baby ducklings" and is actually squeamish. (An actual line from the book: "Oh my, Simon. You do not want to live where I do right now. Watching these horrible torture videos and such. Oh my G-!" Ghost gagged on the other line and immediately Double said, "I'm sending sneezing Baby panda videos to your phone right now, Carrot-Top." Simon shook his head, obviously confused about their relationship. "Thanks, my Canadian God of beauty, and I'm blond, okay?" Ghost laughed before saying, "Ghost out!") his line, continued from Double: "Or what, you're gonna spank me?" -awkward silence-

SSA Ashley Mariee: Ashley is like a sister or mom to Simon, which kinda annoys him know because she is always wanting to protect him despite him being a grown man. Ashley is the one who calms the ferocious media we hate so much in cop shows and answers their questions. She playfully flirts with Simon and Martin but if Martin gets too tough on either Simon or her, she is not afraid to kick his ass. If she could. That is the unit cheif after all. Despite being the only female, Ashley is very tough (off I almost put erotic XD) and is extremely comfortable around the men. Ashley can also be very sassy and clever, a trait she developed while hanging with Baki and Claudia. (Another part in the book/Her line: Interviewer 1#: You are saying that the UnSub is Asian. Are you rasict, by any chance, Bows?
Ashley: -smiles sardonically- I'm as rasict as you are Catholic.
Interviewer 1#: .....I don't believe in God.
Ashley: -nods- Exactly.)

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