Scarlet Witch for Luke

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This was requested by @LukeAJC who requested this a long time ago and I am barely doing it now. I'm so sorry.

I am getting ready to go on a mission and I'm nervous because I'm working beside my crush Wanda.

Once I'm ready I go to the jet and see Wanda waiting for me.

"Are you ready for this mission. I've heard this one is dangerous". Wanda said smirking at me

I can't help but blush because of the way she's looking at me. "Yeah I'm ready just worried"

She looks at me and asked why. I couldn't tell her that I'm worried about the person I love getting hurt so I lied.

"Im just nervous that I might fail the mission". She puts her hand on my shoulder and I blush again from her touch.

"Don't worry I'll be with you. I know you'll do great."

We get in the jet and reach our destination the Hydra base. We get off and start shooting the guards. Once that's done we get inside and start taking down the others.

I see one getting ready to aim at Wanda so I jump in front of her and take the shot on my stomach.

The last thing I hear is my name being called before everything goes dark.
When I wake up I see I'm at the hospital and I feel a warm hand grasping my right and I see its Wanda.

Wanda looks up at me and she looks relieved." Don't scare me I was worried about you. I thought I was losing someone I love the most"(besides pietro)

I look at her shocked but wait for her to continue." I realized I love you when you got hurt. I'm guessing you don't fee-". I cut her off by kissing her with passion.

"Of course I feel the same. I've loved you for a while now I just didn't have the courage to ask you. But since I know you feel the same Wanda will you be my girlfriend?"

Wanda smiles and kisses me again. "Does that answer your question?"
I smile and nod my head and pull her in for another kiss. I scoot over so she could lay down and drift off to sleep thinking about today.

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