Chapter 7: Forgive but don't forget

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It was a regular Wednesday evening, Hinata had been slaving at work when she received an unexpected visit from two of her close friends Kiba and Shino. It wasn't that she wasn't happy to see them again, it was just things were still kinda weird, after all it had been a while since they spoke. But they didn't let her feel awkward at all, laughing and joking with her just as they always did. Hinata was really happy to have them, so she treated them to some coffee, on her since they traveled such a distance to visit. Plus her shift was almost done and there was barely any one in the cafe, so she had some time to kill.

" So how have you've been missy" Kiba said siping his coffee. " We haven't heard from you in what...a month or so."

Hinata's smile slightly faded, " Oh... Uh fine, I just needed some time to think.. I'm sorry if I hurt you guys." She said looking down at her cup of coffee. Shino shook his head, dismissing her comment " There's no need to feel bad Hinata we understood the circumstances." Kiba nodded his head in agreement " Yeah Naruto's a giant buffoon, I can't believe him" he growled.

" No no you guys stop it, it's not his fault.... it's mine, Naruto was just looking out for me,       I just got my feelings mixed up in the situation and lashed out. I guess I was never able to accept the fact he and I were just friends " Hinata said lifting her coffee up towards her lips. " But don't you guys worry I won't make that same mistake again" she took a long sip of her coffee with out a stitch of emotion, concerning the two men.

" So what your just gonna give up? T-That's it? no more Naruto-kun this and Naruto-kun that?" Kiba questioned. Hinata slouched back in her seat and let out a sigh, " Well yes....what else is there left to do? I've been chasing after him for years, he has shown no sign of having any romantic feelings towards me and he made it very clear years ago that the very thought of us being together was weird."

Hinata met kiba's gaze sorrowfully " I can't go on living like this, going after something that I will never have, i think it's better for the both of us if Iet him go and move on, after all before I fell in love with Naruto he was just my best friend and I'd like for us to at least salvage our friendship."

Kiba raked both his hands through his hair in frustration " But Hinata, you don't need to give up, there's no doubt in my mine that that idiot loves you... You just need to give him more time" Kiba challenged. Hinata's face soften " You all say that, but when has Naruto ever confided that to you or even hinted at that, face it Kiba-kun he, doesn't love me."

Kiba turned to Shino in defeat. " Shino help me out here."

Shino sighed " Hinata-San kiba's right, though Naruto hasn't expressed it in words, we all can clearly see that he's deeply in love with you, he treats you differently from the rest of us even down to the way he looks at you, please just give it some time, he's a little slow when it comes to these things but I'm sure he will get it eventually" Shino pleaded.

Hinata let out a chuckle " You know I'm starting to feel like you guys only came to vist me specifically for this reason, fine I won't make any promises but I'll keep an open mind...are you happy now.?" Both Kiba and Shino nodded there heads causing Hinata to smile.

" Well good, but I'm still not speaking to him" she said unvaryingly. Both Kiba and Shino made an UGH sound to express there displeasure, to that in which Hinata laughed yet again. " I'm sorry guys but I think me and Naruto-kun should keep our distance for a while I don't want to fall back into old habits" Hinata said. A smirk grew on kiba's face " You said Naruto-kun" Kiba said teasingly.

" N-No I didn't " Hinata stuttered becoming irritated.

" Yes you did, just give in already, your not gonna be able to give up on Naruto and you won't be able to avoid him... Ugh why are girls so difficult, look just go up to him tell him you love him and..uh run off into the sun set holding hands or something." Kiba said resting his head in his hand.

Why can't I give up on YOU!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt