Chapter 1 you can't give up

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Hi my name is Lily and this is my story this is how it started one day i told my dad that i wanted to be an Actress he told me you can't so why do you want to be an actress NO he said end of story i went to my room that night and never came out not even for dinner the next day. i went to school and told my drama teacher what i wanted to do she said come back after school and we will start acting classes for free sound good i smiled at her and said sounds amazing and my teacher laughed and said see you after school.

so i left and went to the rest of my classes and came back at the end of the day and ms, Jones asked me if i told my father i said yes and tears filled my eyes and said he said i couldn't do it i thought he would be happy an help me but he didn't and i want him to help me ms,Jones said it's fine i will help you ok now dry those tears and lets get started i said yeah let's prove my father wrong. we practiced scripts and how to act the movements out the speaking part was easy the moving with the talking well that's a little bit tricky.

we tried doing that for an hour then i left school and went home and my dad looked at me and yelled and said. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AT YOU KNOW YOU ARE POST TO COME AFTER SCHOOL! and he pulled me by my hair and pushed me in my room he only did that because he was drunk but i didn't come out of my room at all for the rest of the night i was so scared of him when he got like this one of these days i fear he's going to hurt me so bad i will have to be taken to hospital i don't want that.

he always says he's sorry when he normal but i know he doesn't mean it ever since mom died he's been mean so mean to me and i want it to stop after i got myself to calm down i went to bed and couldn't wait to go to school the next day because i can get away from my father and i hate it when school ends but now i get to learn more about acting so i can become an actress just like i want to be.

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