Chapter 12: Ignoring importent imformation

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Lily start to walk faster when she heard a car behind her slow down to a creep she decided to go down an alley way that led to her home quicker a short cut she and clef used often as foot steps echoed behind her she ran as fast as she could Untill she was out of the alley way she relaxed a little after a few street of nothing she decided she was safe and had no reason to worry she shrugged it off as her own paranoia though sadly it wasn't paranoia she turned the corner and accidentally bumped In to someone she apologized and continued walking not noticing the man talk on a Bluetooth to an unknown accomplice who she would soon meet only a few steps away from home she heard foot steps behind her which she chose to ignore big mistake Suddenly lily felt a hand wrap around her face and cover her mouth oddly though there was something soft in the hand lily smelt something odd then suddenly all signs pointed to one thing her eyes widened as she realized what she smelt could only be one thing "chloroform" her mind told her as her eyelids closed and she began to drift out of consciencenes.

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