Chapter 1: Department of disc dealing

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Lily loved music it was her whole world she loved sing and dancing and she was good at it to a beautiful sight if there ever was one and her voice was perfect she loved all music from hard rock to classical even rap but she hated opera "how dare they call that music"  music wasn't just a pass time for her It was her all the time it was her anchor to reality that and her dog clef of course see lily is an orphan she live in an abandoned apartment building  she had a lap top and an mp3 with a set of head phone the orphanage said that what was with her when she was left there she took them before running away from the orphanage she loved music every Time she got extra money she bought a music CD from the CD shop down the road she loved it there she spent most of her time there surrounded by music and the owner/manager was so nice her give her CDs for free some time like when they had surplus of a CD or stuff like that and he'd let clef come inside too "he was really nice" she thought she went to the store that after noon  like she always did entered the store and was greeted by the familiar voice of the cashier who was also the owner's wife then the wife told her something which made her smile the wife told her they were getting a new shipment of CDs tomorrow she did a little dance and ran home with clef close behind wanting tomorrow to come quickly she went straight to bed
... 2:48 am
Lily woke up to the sound of sirens wailing as she got up she looked out the glass less window and saw fire trucks and police cars drive by suddenly a thought came through her head and she quickly ran out the door when she saw that her fears had been realized she fell to her knees crying what she saw would forever scar the only things he could think was "why?"

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