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In a faraway land of a parallel universe, there lived a 16-year-old teenage orphan named Scarlet Wynn in the little village called Tahamania. However, she was no ordinary girl. She knew magic, fire magic.

One day, the princesses of San Lionne, a nearby kingdom, came to visit Tahamania. When Scarlet, dressed in a shabby and ragged second-hand dress, was at the village market, selling the carrots and potatoes she had grown, the princesses and their matron passed by.

"Ugh! Look at that girl's muddy face. Gross. And who in the right mind will wear that torn piece of worthless fabric?" Princess Amira, the dark-skinned princess in a fancy green gown, spat with disgust.

"Amira, could you try to be nice? After all, they are not as well-off as we are," Princess Summer, the fair-skinned princess in a simple orange-yellow dress, rolled her eyes.

"Your highnesses, it is getting a little warm here, would you like some ice lemonade?" the matron asked the princess.

"Uh...duh!" barked Princess Amira.

"Amira!" screeched Princess Summer.

Soon, the matron came back with the princesses' drinks and they left. However, Princess Summer returned with a few coins.

"Hi, I am Princess Summer of San Lionne. Can I buy some vegetables from you?"

Scarlet was perplexed. Many thoughts were racing through her mind. She could not believe that a member of the San Lionnean royalty was buying vegetables from a orphaned pauper. Despite being in shock, Scarlet hurriedly scrubbed a few carrots and potatoes clean of dirt and placed them in a clear plastic bag before giving them to Princess Summer, who left after paying Scarlet.

The day soon passed and the sun began to set. Hence, Scarlet decided to make some carrot and potato stew with the unsold vegetables. She began starting up a fire using her fire magic. With her magic, she turned a potato into a pot and a carrot into salt and pepper. She added the carrots and potatoes into the pot together with salt and pepper. She hummed to an upbeat tune as reach for her tiny water bottle to get some water. However, the water bottle tipped and all the water spilled out. She sighed in dismay and decided to try to create water out of nothingness. Nevertheless, the multiple attempts were to no avail.

Just then, the princesses and their matron passed by again so that they could return to the palace. Princess Summer saw Scarlet cooking and waved her hand. Scarlet did a curtsy while the three of them approached her.

"What are you making?" Princess Summer asked out of curiosity.

"I bet it's some boring old peasant food," Princess Amira rudely commented.

"Amira!" raged Princess Summer again.

"It is okay, your highness. I am making carrot and potato stew." Scarlet replied.

Seeing the puddle of water on the ground, Princess Summer used her water magic to fill the pot up with water. Scarlet was amazed since she thought that only she had magical powers. With a little magic, Scarlet stirred up the fragrant stew. "Snap!" went Scarlet's fingers and the stew was done in an instant as four chairs magically appeared, amazing the princesses and their matron, especially Princess Summer who thought that only she knew magic. Scarlet then took some soil and turned it into bowls and divided the stew among them.

"Would you like to have some, your highnesses?" Scarlet asked.

"Sure," Princess Summer's stomach began to growl.

The princesses, the matron and Scarlet sat down and they enjoyed the simple yet delicious stew that Scarlet made.

When the princesses returned to the palace, they were welcomed by King Carlos and Queen Elena. Princess Summer began to tell her parents what happened in Tahamania. When she mentioned Scarlet and her magical powers, the royal couple was bewildered with amazement. It turned out that Princess Amira was adopted and Princess Summer's twin sister had been abducted by Tahamanians when the twins were born. Queen Elena had also drunk a magical potion to cure her terminal illness she had gotten when she was pregnant, explaining why the twins had magical abilities.

"Could Scarlet be our daughter?" Queen Elena wondered.

"Let us go to the village tomorrow morning and find out," King Carlos suggested.

Princess Amira realised the reason for not being the royal couple's favourite child, and decided to stop Scarlet from reuniting with her long-lost royal family. When everyone was asleep, Princess Amira sneaked out of the palace with a fire torch and went to Tahamania. She set the whole village on fire as most of the structures were made of wood. As she saw the village being burnt into ashes, she could not help but laugh as she thought about Scarlet not being able to see her biological parents forever. However, Scarlet woke up after smelling the smoke from the fire. Using her fire magic, she absorbed all of the fire, foiling Princess Amira's plan.

The next morning, the whole royal family set out to Tahamania in search for Scarlet. Princess Amira, however, was terribly frustrated because the village was not burnt at all. Scarlet was at her stall as usual and the royal family rushed towards the stall without hesitation.

"What's your name? Do you know magic? What's your age?" King Carlos asked a string of questions.

"I am Scarlet Wynn. I am sixteen and I know fire magic." Scarlet replied, still trying to overcome from her shock.

"That means she's our daughter! Oh, Scarlet, we've finally found you..." Queen Elena wept.

"I am a princess?!" Scarlet exclaimed with curiosity.

Princess Summer nodded her head. When King Carlos offered Scarlet to stay in the palace, Scarlet agreed. Tears slowly welled up in Princess Amira's eyes as her plan had failed and she decided to confess to her father who was not only benevolent enough to not execute her, but also decided to let her remain as a princess. The royal family of five then lived happily ever after.

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