Getting Away With Murder

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1.) First get a very sharp weapon or object. As I always preferred, my favorite knife!

2.) Pick the one you want to murder and go up to them, hiding your weapon of course.

3.) Take them somewhere, where you and them will not be seen.

4.) Then quickly kill them!

5.) Now you must hide the body and the evidence but I prefer burning it all.

6.) Mop up the blood and your footprints if you have any, if not then you probably broke logic or whatever...

7.) Take off your bloody clothes and clean yourself of bloody evidence.

8.) Change into some nice clothes that don't wreak of blood.

9.) Laugh off your insanity and turn it back to sanity, if you can't then you're just a lost cause.

10.) Then act as if you are a pure innocent little soul that didn't commit murder.

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