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Amber POV

"Hey mom." I said kissing my mom's cheek. She called me over because it's almost time to execute what we've been planning for months.

"Is she back?" She asked me as I sat on the couch.

"She's been back for months! " I told her.

"We'll, this time she's not coming back." She told me as a man came on the room. "This is her father." She introduced me to the man. We shook hands and he looked crazy.

"Nickole always runs to Money for everything, so we'd have to get them separate."

"They aren't gunna separate. Since she's been back they've been together twenty-four seven." I told them.

"Try!" The man demanded and I noddded before leaving. I texted Nickole asking if she wanted to go to the mall and she agreed to meet me there. I got to the mall and seen her, then a few seconds later Money. Oh my God! Do they not separate?

"Sorry we can't stay long." Money told me and I looked at Nickole.

"Your pregnant?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I'm already at the stage where you can tell?" She asked.

"I told you that." Money told her.

"I'm five and a half months with twins."

"What are they?"

"I have no clue." She admitted. "We do our gender reveal when I'm seven months." She told me smiling.

"Wow, congratulations guys! I bet you excited." She nodded as we all went into footlocker. "Have they kicked yet?" I asked and Nickole nodded.

"Its like a little tickle." She told me smiling. "I'm excited!"

"If you knew her before you'd be shocked." Money told me. "We gotta go." He told her and she nodded.

"Bye Amber." She said hugging me. They left and I honestly couldn't think of a way to get them to separate. I called my mom and told her everything, then told her I want no parts of it anymore. They are too happy now, everything for them is good and I don't want to be a part of ruining it!


I giggled as Money kissed my hand while driving. "I can't wait for our babies! Like you don't understand." I told Money.

"You know I'm proud of you baby." He told me. "You grew up a lot, you are way more mature than you were before." I smiled and he kissed my hand. We went to the doctor and I had my ultrasound.

"They're big!" My doctor told me reading my. "Healthy too." She added. We went to In N Out after my appointment, I got a milkshake and fries and Money got a double. We decided to just chill in the car and eat.

"I'm excited about the babies." I admitted dipping my fry in my shake. I had one leg under me, the other on the dash, and my shirt was lifted up. Money took my picture and I laughed. He sent it to me and I giggled.

Hey guys, I'm pregnant.. and my little croissants are happy and healthy

I posted on instagram. I post, but not myself as much as clients! Everyone instantly started asking for more pregnancy pictures, how far along I am, about Money, booking, etc.

"How do you want to do the reveal?" He asked me.

"I think I wanna do this paint thing, like splatter paint on their bed room walls." He nodded and kissed my head. We had so much fun eating and talking at the park. "I love you." He said kissing me passionately.

"I love you too." I said as he rubbed my stomach. "You are the only person I let touch my stomach." I told him and he smiled.


"I don't like hands on my body, only yours because you've seen me naked." He laughed and just kissed me.

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