Chapter Sixty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Ross" My voice is staggered and he wraps he arms around me, holding me close to his chest.

"Edie" He replies, in a low husky voice. My knee's almost buckle as he says my name. "You don't know how bad I want you" He begins to kiss my neck again and as much as I need this to stop, I can't find any power in me to pull away from him. Suddenly turns me around and crashes his lips onto mine and places his hands on my cheeks.

I never want this feeling to go away.

And I certainly never want to be away from Ross.

"I love you so much" He mumbles against my lips.

"I love you too" I say breathlessly. "But Ross-"

"I know, I know" He kisses my forehead and moves back onto the bed and under the sheets again, as if  the last few minutes didn't happen at all. "But damn, I can't wait to show you how much I've missed having you naked underneath me" I gasp at his crude remark and he winks at me.

I know he will love me forever. I would never doubt that, especially after everything we've been through. But I want him to still see me as the girl he fell in love with all that time ago, after I have the baby I'm scared he won't see me the same way again.

"What are you thinking?" Ross questions, leaning up in bed. I look at the clock and it's almost midnight.

"Nothing" I smile. "Just day dreaming" I don't want to get into this conversation now. He'll just tell me I'm being silly, which I know I probably am but I don't want him to know that.

"Then get into bed and cuddle me"

"Cuddle you?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Roles can be reversed" He shrugs.

I climb in next to him, but nothing has changed. I lay down with my back against his chest. I turn my body slightly and our lips touch and with the he hooks his arm around my waist, bringing his hand to my bump and I lift my head, allowing his other arm to sneak underneath to bring over my chest. Once we've settled into our usual positions we both whisper goodnight to one another and soon drift off to sleep.



"What's the plan today then" Rocky asks, before scoffing one more pancake into his mouth.

"The driver said we'll be stopping off near the coast" My dad says pouring himself a coffee. He's only just woken up, not long after the rest of us. Knowing that we've all got a few weeks off from shows, interviews and the studio, we're all taking the time to make the most of it.

Which means a lot of sleep.

"Beach!" Rydel claps and already I know Edie will say no. Luckily Edie is in our bedroom so she hasn't heard my sisters idea, so I know I have time to change it. Edie won't go out in public for a while now, not after what happened with the press in the hotel.

"Yes!" Riker and Ell says in unison.

"Guys" They all turn and look at me. "I don't think the beach is a good idea for Edie right now" She'll kill me for doing this, she hates it when I intervene with plans to make them suit her. But I love her and I don't care what my siblings think. Edie comes first in my life now.

"No" I hear Edie's voice behind me and I turn slowly to look at her. "You guys will go to the beach today"

"I'll stay with you then" I tell her, I'm quite happy spending my day on the bus with Edie.

"No, you're going with them" She says placing her hand on my shoulder.


"Me and your Mom have already made plans, so go and enjoy your day" She smiles. The rest of my family start conversation about our plans today and I stand up and face Edie.

"Are you sure? I can stay if you need me to, I don't mind"

"Ross, go and enjoy some time with your family. You all deserve a bit of time in the sun" She brushes the strands of hair away from my eyes, and I lean forward to kiss her lips.

"What are you doing with my Mom?" I question.

"We've got a lot of shopping to do" She laughs, regarding the baby.

"You're going out?"

"Why shouldn't I?" She shrugs. "I've been so scared throughout this whole pregnancy, and I have no idea why. I've had no need to be. Everyone knows we're going to become parents and hiding away won't change that. The hotel situation won't happen again, and if anything does happen you're Mom has contact with security"

"I'm worried now" I admit after she tells me that. Now all I have in my head is that Edie is going to be mobbed again.

"Don't be" She smiles. "Anyways when the baby is here, I can't just stay at home all day. We'll be going out as a family and spending time together. If the press capture it then so be it. I've known about your career ever since I met you, so I know what is going to happen. I'm not letting myself be afraid anymore" She nods and I smile at her determination.

"I'm proud of you"

"I know" She winks. "Now go and get your trunks and lotion. If you burn today, you won't be getting any sympathy from me"

"What why?!" I whine and follow her back to the kitchen table.

A/N: There you go! I've updated both books today so you're in luck! Please tell me what you think! I really love all your comments, they make my day! Keeping voting and sharing! Much love x

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