Nick Wilde X Judy Hopps

239 6 5

Wow, I actually had to look this up. I didn't know who they were until I Googled it, then I saw it was the fox and rabbit from Zootopia and I facepalmed myself for not knowing. I feel like an idiot now. I've even heard that the rabbit's name was Judy Hopps and I couldn't remember! XD

I haven't seen the movie yet (I WANT TO SO BADLY), so I can't fully develop an opinion on this shipping.

I found a lot of fanart of this shipping, so I'm guessing it's quite popular. It looks pretty cute from the trailers I've seen as well.

My opinion may change after I watch the movie, but here's my current opinion:

And the verdict is... Cute pairing!

Shoutout to @silverstorm9303!

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