Finn was at the stables, feeding his horse. He said I could help him bathe his

horse. I took a sponge and some soap. I started washing his tail. "Hey, don't

put too much pressure on the tail or it will break." I rolled my eyes. "It won't

break. And...if you don't apply pressure on the tail, it won't be clean." Finn

smirked. "Neh, it won't. I do it everyday but it is clean." "Whatever.

you plan to ask that man to marry me?" Finn looked at me sharply. "That man

has a name and he is your future husband. Learn to love him. Forget about

Darren." I growled and threw the sponge to the ground. "Shut up! You have

no right to say that. You evil bitch! You don't know how its like to be in love."

Finn growled and punched me in the face. I screamed and fell on his horse. It

whined and turned his head slightly to look at me. "How dare you brother!" I

got to my feet and pushed him as hard as I can. He fell to the floor and was

covered in water from head to toe.

I turned and walked away from my brother. After a few paces, I could feel

someone's hand on my mouth. "Bitch. You should not hurt your brother." I

began screaming. He punched me in the stomach twice then pinched my

nose as hard as he can. Then he threw me to the floor and kicked me in the


I cried out in pain. I think he just broke three of my ribs. He growled and left

the stables. I took a sharp breath and tried to get up. I wince in pain. Yeah,

my ribs were...........


I gritted my teeth. The pain was so intense that I could hardly breathe. I was

so angry at his attitude. I took a deep breath and stood up. I cleaned up the

mess and went back to the house. I made myself a sandwich and sat on the

couch to eat it. After finishing my sandwich, I went to see the doctor. He told

me three of my ribs were broken and it would take some time to fully heal. He

gave me some pills to take when the pain increases.

I thanked him and paid the fees at the counter. Now I can't walk long

distances and have to rest almost all the time. Robin noticed my pain and

asked about it. I told her that someone broke three of my ribs. She gasped

and started stroking my ribs. "Oh, who dared do this to you! So evil." I gave

her a weak smile. "That's fine. Its just three. Not all of them." She pouted and

sat beside me. "Well, I have another ten more minutes to spend before

meeting with Darren. So, lets have a small talk about yourself then!"

I told Robin about my family, friends and relatives. She listened with interest.

At last she told me about her family. Her family was complicated. Her mother

had died of skin cancer and her father had disappered without a trace. Now

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