Chapter Four

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The table was beautifully decorated with flowers and there are various food

to choose from. My eyes widen with surprise. "Its beautiful. " Amy sighed.

Darren grinned. "It was specially made for the both of you. Do you like it?"

We both nodded.

The food were delicious. " We have to go back to attend the ball. We're

leaving this afternoon." Darren said. We took our baths and got dressed. We

took our bags to the front door and dumped it on the floor. The driver, Mr

Richard took our bags and dumped it on the front. Darren waved goodbye to

his granny." Hey Darren. You told me this is an island!" I said, scowling at

him. He smiled. "Ah, well. This is not my hometown. After the ball, we'll travel

to my hometown. Get in the carriage." We climbed into the carriage. Amy's

eyes began drooping. She rested her head on my shoulder.

We reached the Castleford in the evening. Taylor was happy to see us. She

embraced Amy and I. "Glad to see you back so fast." We smiled. Amy said.

"Are you attending the ball?" She nodded. "My dress is already chosen."

"Thats great! Want to have a stroll in the park?"


"General Finn! I want to have a word with you." Finn came strolling into my

study room. He bowed. "What does your highness want to talk about?" I said.

"Rise, Finn. Well, On the Monday, I'll be going to back to my hometown. I

want you and Taylor to join us. Is that fine with you?" Finn gave me a cocky

smile. "Sure, your highness." I nodded and sent him out of my study room.

The next person I want to talk with is my sister.

I had to go to look for her in the ballroom because she is busy decorating the

empty ballroom. "What brings you here, Darren?" I inhaled and said. "I need

your help. Do you have anything that can make Amy sick? She is ruining my

plans in seducing Robin. I don't want to lose my target." Rayce gave me a

wicked smile. "Of course I know somebody who can do that. She is my

friend." "Alright. I'll leave this matter to you. Please do it nicely." Rayce

winked at me. "Do me a favour. Decorate the ballroom for me while I go to

see my friend." I sighed. She would always do that.


Where is Periwinkle? Her favourite hangout place is supposed to be here.

"Hi, are you looking for me?" A soft voice whispered. Periwinkle stepped out

from her hiding place. She was a very beautiful girl with very long curls. Her

hair was golden in colour and her eyes were green. Today she is wearing a

white dress that reached her ankles. She is a dryad princess. " Hi, Peri. Can I

ask you a favour?" She smiled. "Of course my dear friend. Ask anything and I

will grant that for you." "Please brew me a potion to make someone fall sick. I

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