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mia: i have never hated college this much

alberto: what's wrong, mia?

mia: i have to take a shitload of photos, but they all have to be about the same subject kinda. it can be about the nature and stuff, but i feel like everybody is going to go out and take photographs of flowers, so i don't want to do that.

mia: i want to do something with people, like everyday actions on pictures, but the only people i know are my family and my two friends

mia: my family are usually really busy and my friends are in france to visit nate's mom

mia: nate is one of my friends

alberto: that was a lot of texts

alberto: give me a second to read it

alberto: okay, so you major in photography

alberto: you need to take a bunch of pictures that falls into the same kind of subject, kinda

alberto: and you want to include people doing everyday actions

alberto: but no one you know is available

alberto: i think your idea is great

mia: thank you, alberto

mia: now i just need a group of people to give their consent so i can take photos of them

mia: and i need to do it in the time span of four months oh fuck

mia: i need to take fifty photos

mia: who is even going to look through them?

mia: i hate college

mia: and it's only my second year

alberto: wait how old are you?

mia: i turned twenty a couple of weeks ago

mia: i thought high school was tough

mia: i hate college far more than having relatives over

mia: whom i love very much

alberto: i can ask my friends and co-workers if they would be up for it?

mia: really?

mia: you would do that for me?

alberto: yeah

mia: that's so sweet

mia: you don't even know me

mia: your heart is made of gold, i'm sure of it

mia: how can i make it up to you?

alberto: i haven't even asked them yet, mia

alberto: calm down

mia: i know that, but i need to make it up to you somehow

mia: i can take you out for pasta and we can get to know each other better?

alberto: that sounds great

mia: really?

alberto: yeah :)

mia: okay, i have a class to get to, but i'll text you later

mia: bye alberto, and thank you :)

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