Chapter Three

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King Aragon turned to look at his wife who pleaded with her eyes, begging her husband not to oblige king Tiberius' request. Aragon turned back to look at Edwina and beckoned with his fingers. "Come over!" He said aloud.

Edwina turned, with her heart racing, she placed the basket on the floor and walked down the aisle between the staring guests and her feet seemed to get heavier with every step she took. The other maidens that had been offered to King Tiberius whom he had rejected were dismissed.

"She's unique!" Remarked King Tiberius as he watched her face by tilting her chin up with a finger to observe her and she avoided his gaze. "...and just perfect."

Hector's hands fisted at his sides and his jaw flexed in anger that even lady Hendrick noticed and looked up from his fist to his unsmiling face. "Are you alright?" She asked in concern.

Noticing his obvious change, Hector unclenched his fists and let his anger sink a bit. "I'm fine." He muttered.

In doubt, Lady Hendrick turned away, the Queen was speaking now. "I'm sorry my lord but Edwina is off limits. She can't be your bed mate, she's chaste and reserved. There's a decree on her that no man is allowed to defile her against her will." Rohesia said.

"Which makes her befitting for a king." Tiberius smiled, not taking his eyes off Edwina. He turned to look at Aragon. "You have been quite quiet my friend." He said trying to conceal his displeasure at Aragon's hesitation. " you deny me the very thing I ask for, Aragon?"

King Aragon hesitated again, really confused by the whole situation. He turned to look at his wife again whose eyes were already misting up with tears. "Please, do not do this." She shook her head slowly with a whisper that only her husband could hear.

Aragon looked away and glanced at Edwina who looked impassive, at the anxious people who were quietly awaiting his decision and at King Tiberius who was waiting for a positive answer with a challenging gaze that held the king's. "Take her!" Aragon finally stated.

Rohesia looked crestfallen as Tiberius' guards took Edwina by her arms and led her away. Shaking hands with king Aragon, Tiberius smiled. "I knew you wouldn't refuse me! You are indeed a good king and a friend!" He turned and followed his long gone guards and as he passed Hector, Hector felt like grabbing the vile king's throat and shaking him so hard till his body hung limp and lifeless. After king Tiberius exited, the people disperse to make their merry making again.

A tear slipped down the Queen's face and she shuddered, fuming in rage. "I will never forgive you for this, Aragon!" She hissed and hurried out of the banquet hall through the side door, crying.

King Aragon heaved a frustrated sigh. He knew how much his wife cherished her maid but that didn't make Edwina any more less than a slave. At least since her stay in Avalon for the last four years, no man had defiled her because of the decree his wife had made him pass on her behalf. He had also be shocked when King Tiberius had chosen the poor girl. Tiberius had been helpful to his kingdom for more than twenty years now in times of war and need and he was not ready to sabotage their relationship because of a mere slave girl.

Hector felt bitter inside. He should have done something. He should have known that the lecherous bastard of a king, Tiberius, would go for Edwina instead. He had not missed the way the king had leered at Edwina the previous day after his arrival while she had served him wine. He felt like placing hot coals in the King's eyes and watching them burn, for ever looking at Edwina in the first place. Hector could not tell why he was so bothered about the maiden who hated him with so much passion for ravaging and destroying her village but all the same, he should have done something to stop King Tiberius but he doubted the king would have been deterred, if not even, felt insulted by Hector's intervention and cut off all ties with his father which might devastate Avalon.

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