"Andy you better not be lying to me, because if you are I'll do the same things to you", I threatened him.

"Sherlock I swear to fucking god I'm not-", the bell had rung we were both late for our 7th period. We both looked at each other and ran to our classes.

When I got there I saw John sitting next to Sebastian, my face fell. John was laughing at something Sebastian had said, he had forgiving him. After what Sebastian had did to him, he still acted like if nothing happened. I wasn't the only one against it, I saw Graham (I think that he's name) looking at them, he was watching Sebastian every move. I took my seat next to Graham and both sat there watching over John.

"I heard that Sebastian is going to beat the living hell out of John, is that true", my head snapped towards him.

"Who... who... who told you that?", I stutters through my words.

"Jim Moriarty, I had him last period, so is it true", he turned his attention back to John and Sebastian.

"I don't know, that's why I have to keep John away from him", I said protectively.

"Well you're not doing a very good job", he laughed, I looked at him angrily.

"I'm sorry", he laughed again.

7th block went by fast and John and Sebastian laughed threw the whole lesson. Which made out eyes roll back. The bell rung and I quickly put my things in my bag and walked towards John's desk.

"Need help", I smiled down at him, struggling to stand up.

"I got it Sherlock", looked up to find Sebastian on the other side of John's desk. I gave him a deathly smirked. John noticed the tension between us and stood up to reach for his crutches.

"Well, shall we go then", he smiled between us and Sebastian gave him a strange look. We exited the class.

"We're you both going to the library to do a history paper", he said happily, history is his favorite subject.

"Alright then I'll see you later", he forcefully pushed John's head towards his lips. John almost feel back, but Sebastian had his arm around his back. I turned away, not wanting to see this knowing what Sebastian might do to him. They finally stopped, John smiled in dizziness, they said there goodbyes. As me and John walk down he hall I turned back to see Sebastian watching us. He didn't look happy at all. The library was at the other side of the school and with John's injured leg that would be at least forty-five minutes to get there.

The walk was quiet and long, John had be stopping every five minutes because the crutches bother armpits. I offer to carry him behind my back but he declined. We didn't talk much after that, I was thankful because I was thinking about what Sebastian's plan is. I was scared he would jump out and kidnapped us and torture us for weeks. Thankfully that didn't happen and we finally reached the library. One of the library's rules was to turn off your phone completely and turn in it to the librarian, so we did. We started to look at the history section, there were so may books to choose out of. Me and John still hadn't it chosen our topic, thankfully we started talking again, well more like fighting.

"Why would we chose the American Revolution, Britain lost that war. Are we really going to talk about how we lost America, Sherlock", John yelled in a whispered so the librarian wouldn't catch him.

"Alright then what do you want to do?", I rested my back on the book shelf.

"World War 2", he suggested.

"Nah, everyone is going to do that", I banged my head to the shelf.

"Oh I know The War Of 1812, it was a tie, so that is a good topic", a bright glorious smile appeared on his face, how could I say no.

"Alright, now where is that book...", me and John started searching but eventually we quit and went to the computers.

"So are you going to break up with him?", he turned his head in shock and disbelief. I could sense anger, his eyes could kill a human, in this case me.

"What makes you think I'm breaking up with him", he laughed angrily pitching the tip of his nose looking down. I laughed. He looked even more crossed.

"John, he almost broke your leg, how can you still be with him!",

The librarian told to be quiet.

"Because I am alright, now get back to typing-" he looked at the wall, "besides I wanna go to the game today", he looked down at his papers again and started writing.

I sighed, Sebastian is probably going to be there, it's not a good idea. But how could I say no to John.

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