Chapter 5: Secrets Revealed

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The bright sun shined through Hailey's nearest widow and onto her. Hailey slowly opened her blue eyes and yawned. She sat up and stretched her small arms. Hailey got up, picked out some clothes, and went to the bathroom.

Hailey turned the shower on, adjusted the water, and then laid her clean clothes on the sink. She double checked the water and then she took her clothes off. Hailey stepped in the shower and began washing. She rinsed the soap out of her hair and then washed the rest of her body. What she didn't know was that Luke had walked into her room. He didn't knock nor did he give her a sign that he was coming in.

"Hai-," the sound of the shower cut him off. He groaned and went to leave, but a book caught his attention. The words, "KEEP OUT," were written on bold letters. He picked it up and opened to the first page. Inside, the words, "Hailey's Diary," was engraved into the back of the cover.

Hailey walked out of the bathroom, yelping as she saw Luke. He sat it back on the desk and put his hands behind his back. Hailey had a towel in one hand and an empty bottle of face wash in the other.

"Brooke was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with her," Luke said as he slid his hands in his front pockets.

"Yeah, I'll be down in ten," Hailey said as she tossed the empty bottle in the trash bin. Luke nodded and started walking out of the room. He closed the door and let out a breath that he didn't know he had held in. He went to his parents' room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Brooke hollered. He opened the door as he slid through.

"Hailey said she would be ready in ten."

"Alright. Could you do me a favor and clean the house while I'm gone?"

"Yeah. I'm going to take Derek home," Luke said as he began walking out.

"Okay, be careful," Brooke called out. Luke started walking to his room. He opened the door and his eyes laid on Derek's sleeping body. A smirk rested on Luke's face. He carefully walked over to Derek and then jumped on the bed.

"Wake up," he yelled.

Derek shot up, his eyes wide and arms covering his body. Luke started laughing while Derek slapped him. Derek yawned and stretched his legs. He groaned and laid back down. His eyes closed and his breathing was back to normal

"Come on, get up. I'm  taking you home, you have to babysit your little sister. Remember," Luke had asked.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Good. Now get up, wash your face, put a shirt on, and let's go."

"Okay mom," Derek said as he got up from the bed. Luke rolled his eyes and left the room. He walked to the garage and grabbed his keys. He sat in his truck and started it up. Derek had appeared in the rear-view mirror and showed him walking to the truck. Derek slid in and tossed his backpack to the backseat. Luke pulled out of the garage and started driving to Derek's house.

"What do you think of Hailey," Derek asked out of nowhere.

"I think she's a nerd," Luke replied with a half smirk.

"No, I mean for real."

"Ugh. I don't know man. She's a goody-two-shoes, she's intelligent, sassy, and a book work. Why do you ask?"

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