Chapter 2

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For the next couple of days I locked myself in my room refusing to leave.  I did not know what or who that thing was, but I sure as hell was not about to meet it.  Armed with a baseball bat and 911 on speed dial, I slowly made my descent down the stairs.  My destination:   the kitchen.  An eerie silence filled the room, slowly suffocating me with my own stupid fear.  Gripping the bat even tighter, I booked it for the kitchen.

Reaching my destination, I reluctantly set down my weapon and when to the fridge.  Grabbing some food, I sat down at the table.  I about jumped out of my skin when I heard the loud shriek of the chair as I scooted back.  ‘This is ridiculous!’ I thought to myself.   ‘This is my house, I should not be afraid in it!’

Getting up from the table, I angrily stomped towards my door, yanking it open.  Slamming it shut, I went to the end of the yard to where the forest begins.  Needing an outlet for my sudden burst of anger I screamed into the forest, “Alright, you win.  Are you happy?  I am so scared that I cannot even live in my own house!  If you are going to stalk me, might as well come out and face me you coward!”

Sometimes I question my sanity and my judgment.  I am the kind of person that jumps of the cliff then looks to see where I will be landing.  In this case, it is a deep, deep abyss of stupid.  I immediately regret yelling into the forest as a swarm of bats decided to fly into my face, scaring me onto my butt.  Once I pull myself together I look back into the forest only to be met with the same emerald green eyes. 

Unlike the last time the emerald green eyes held mine for what seemed like hours.  The emerald eyes held so much emotion, each one burning into my soul.  Just as soon as it started, it was over.  The eyes disappeared, leaving me at the gateway of the forest alone.  I just sat there on the grass, just waiting for the eyes to reappear.  In reality, I should be afraid of the mysterious emerald eyes that haunted my life, but of course as usual, I am not one for the ‘normal’.  I did have fear for the emerald eyes, a fear they would not come back.  I wanted to be sucked in by the hypnotic feeling of the eyes, to feel all of the emotions race through my body and burn in my soul.  It was an absolutely exhilarating feeling.  ‘That is what an addict chases every time they shoot-up.’   I tried to shake that thought out of my head but it was true and my actions confirmed it.  I was sitting at the entrance of the forest waiting for the haunting eyes to come back and give me a feeling like no drug could every give me.  I was addicted to those eyes and my thoughts would be consumed with them until I saw them again.

Shivers dripped down my spine as the wind picked up around me.  The shivers made me realize that I was sitting in wet grass in very thin pajamas.  I hopped up of the ground and rapped my arms around my chest.  With a sigh I hiked back up to the house and was welcomed by the warmth of the inside.  I went back into the kitchen, finding my cold breakfast on the table.  Grabbing the plate I dumped in the trash and stuck the plate in the sink.  I strolled over to the coffee maker and turned on.  Waiting for it to warm up, I leaned against the window and stared into the forest.  I scanned the tree line looking for the eyes.  Yep, there is definitely something wrong with me.  The aroma of coffee pulled me away from the window and led me to the cupboard for a mug.  Filling up the mug I lifted it to my lips and sipped on the sweet nectar of life.  I stood there for a moment, letting the liquid leave a refreshing burning feeling in the back of my throat.  With the fog of sleep leaving my mind I set the mug on the counter and went upstairs.  Grabbing my phone off my nightstand I checked the time.  The glowing numbers told me it was 7:30, the perfect time to grab breakfast with my partner in crime.  Sending a quick text to Maddie to meet me at the coffee shop in thirty, I grabbed some clothes and hit the shower.  Sixteen minutes later I was out the door trying to start my car.

My car had some issues, and all it needed was a little help getting started.  I slammed my fit down on the dashboard then turned the key and it sputtered for a second before roaring to life.  I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards Main Street.  One of the perks of living in a small town was that there was rarely any traffic.  Five minutes later, I was sitting in a cozy booth of the coffee shop.  This place wasn’t your typical Starbucks, it was a small ‘mom and pop’ shop.  The décor was country style, farming tools and sun-bleached reds and browns covering the walls.  It fit in perfectly with the rest of the town.  Sharmanville is very old, living in the shadow of Seattle.  Most people are brought here by the cheap cost of land and fertile soil for farming.  For me, it was the scenic landscape that serves as inspiration for my artwork.

I switched my view out the window to see an elderly couple walking by.  They walked side by side, holding each other’s’ hands as they took a stroll in the morning sun.  Love like that always touches my heart; a never ending love, a love that will live on past the grave.  Seeing that kind of love gives me hope that there is someone out there for me that I can love like that.

“They are adorable.”  The voice grabbed my attention.  Maddie set down a coffee in front of me and slid in to the chair across from me.  “Thanks,”  I said sipping the coffee.  “Spill it,” she said, “What’s up?  Why did you call me here?”

I took another long sip of my coffee before setting it down.  With a sigh, I told her about the events of the past couple days; all about the emerald eyes, weird feelings, and the addicting look of the eyes.  When I finished, I looked away from Maddie and took a swig of coffee. 

I looked back up at her, waiting for her response and her words could not have surprised me more.  Looking me in the eye she asked, “You know what you have to do, right?”  Confused, I gave her a questioning glance.  A serious look swept over her face as she whispered, “Christabell, you have to find the owner of the eyes.”


I know it has been a very long time!  I was very busy with school and I had a national competition to attend.  I have been working on this chapter for a long time.  School starts in two weeks  and I hope to have a couple more chapters up by then. 

Thank you for reading!!  Leave comments (good or bad) and please vote!!

Kit-Kat   :)

My Knight In RedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora