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Hey guys this is my first story and i am kinda excited and nervious at the same time.... i do want to inform you that at times i do abriviate but its not complicated more like im textin...... o and i do swear so sorri about that. i also am not a very good speller sooooooo here goes nothing!

Chapter 1:

  Im not sure if it's just me or not but i always wonderd how it would feel to wake up and not know or understand my surroundings. Welp it finally happened, how u might wonder i have no clue and boy is it a world i never thought i would be in.

  It started with that emptiness  like being in a dark place with no source of light , with that essence of just floating with this rapid feeling of fear racing over me. then i started breating harder and harder with my breathes becomeing louder by the second. suddenly opening my eyes and gasping for air like it was never there in the first place i began letting my eyes wonder taking in my surroundings. seeing as nothing and i mean nothing is familar panic creeps up every so slightly within me. springing up from the place i was previously layin i notice a mirror on the otherside of the wall. i am in nothing but a black cami and matching boy shorts. what the fuck is going on ! searching around for anything that makes since but ........ nooooo nothing where am i .

  suddently hearing foot steps i try to hide but where? randomly finding a small room type closet i dived in trying to hide while smotherin my heavy breathing.... calming down was so hard right now i mean would u be. anyways i begin to listen and hear them getting close.  out of the blue i hear this boomin deep voice "FIND HER !". awwwwwwwww shyt  now im really feelin that S effect hittin me right now. ( S effect = scared)  Me! What did i do? who? me! Why? was all that ran threw my head.... shyt being calm rite now just wasnt and option.  hearing them leaving the room in a rushing state run is the only thing that comes to mind its now or never....... but i dont move i cant move. come ooon! RUN! i yell at myself , but the body just aint listenin to the mind and this is not one of those times where they should be defying eachother rite now.

Out of nowhere foot steps started comming twards me... aaaaw hell!. who ever it is is rite in front of me and is just standing there. now im just scared as i dont know what . the door begins to open slowly and i just couldnt take it no more.... busting out i just began to run and run i did. left then right, straight, this hall seemed to go on forever. finally heading around  the bend at the end of the hall there are two men standing there. oooo shyt !

DefinaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora