"Whatever" I reply.

I walk into my homeroom, "Sasha your late" Mr.B says.


"Don't use that attitude with me" Mr.B says almost mad.

"Yup" I roll my eyes, and of course he ignores it.

For that whole class, all I was doing was doodling. There was a new girl in my class, she just kept staring at my sleeves (tattoos that go all the way up your arm), "buzz off" I finally say to her getting annoyed by her just blankly staring, I look at her with narrowed eyes.

"Sorry" she murmurs, then quickly her brown eyes look away, and starts to talk to a school player. Wow, didn't see that coming. "That's the toughest girl in school, don't stare at her!" Cameron Beckett says to the new girl.

"Oh" she giggles, "opps" she blushes. Ugh, she's going to become like every other girl here.


The bell rings and I walk out the room. My hands were in my pockets, and I was walking slow. Taking in the moment. People started to whisper, wow still going around eh? I would narrow my eyes at everyone down the hall.

"She just acts like she's cool, she's really a nobody" a girl, oh wait let me rephrase that, a whore says to her friend. I stop, then look at her. "Bite me" I scowl at her.

"Ok" she walks up to me and throws a punch, I swiftly doge it to the left and hook her in the jaw. It becomes easily bruised, she kicks me and I block it with my knee, "ouch!" I grab her foot and spin her around. She lands on the floor with a thump.

She lays there for a second, then gets up. While she's getting up I grab her arm and snap it over my leg swiftly.

"AHHH!" She screams running down the hall, clutching her arm.

"Drama queen" I spit. I start to walk down the hall again. And once again, I earn some stares and whispers.

You see my school has groups, gamers, players, athletes... You name it my school has it. I was in my own group, fighter. I push my jet black hair back, and play with my lip piercing with my tongue. I shove my hands in my pockets and walk out of the school.

"HEY! SASHA! WAIT!" I hear some footsteps and heavy breathing behind me, then of course, Tyler walks beside me.

"Where are you going?" he asks out of breath.

"Not going, doing."

"Ok, what are you doing?"


"Can I ditch with you?"

He is desperate.

"No." I had no emotion on my face at all.


"Because your not my fucking friend, beat it."

"Ouch that was harsh."

I roll my eyes.

"Can I join?" He asks.

Fuck off.



"Because I'm always alone."

"And how's that a good thing?"

"Because, it's the time I fight" I stop and look at him.

"I don't need a 'friend' to hold me back, just because they want to use me, or learn to fight. I'm alone. I stay alone. I don't want to stick up for other people. So I'm alone, and I'll stay that way. Leave me alone." I say bitterly.

He hesitated for a moment, "no" I looked at him, I narrowed my eyes, held my fist up, he flinches. I punched him on the nose, he blocks it, but then I punch him in the stomach. He bends down in pain groaning.

"Opps, that slipped. Sorry, not sorry" I start to walk away.

"THAT'S WHAT I NEED!" He yells.

I grunt, "come on," he follows, "I'm going to make a deal."


"Once I'm done helping you and all that crap, leave me alone. Ok? Were not 'besties' were not, 'friends' were not even 'acquaintances' ok?"

"Deal" and we shook hands to seal the deal.

Sounds like a TV show lol, "seal the deal" haha.

So how'd you like the first chapter?!
This is my first time writing something like this, so go easy on the judging please! I get enough of it everyday. So ya!



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