02. New Apartment

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[Narrator POV]

The sunlight seeped through the hotel room's window, lighting it up in a soft orange glow. I yawned and stretched, lying in bed watching as the war colours flood the room. "So pretty!" I murmured before sitting up and getting ready for the day.

I packed my bag with the documents for the apartment before hoisting it onto my shoulder. I locked the hotel door behing me and went down to reception. Then, checking the time -0:07AM- I walked to the nearest bus stop. I swiped my car and sat down waiting for my stop. The ajumma had told me that the apartment was next to a tall glass building with a small boutique on the other side of the apartment called Miss Lovely. There was even a bus stop in front so I pressed the stop button signalling that this was my stop.

I thanked the driver before getting off to stare at the apartment. "Wah, it's bigger then I tought." I said to myself. I rang the doorbell and the apartment manager came rushing down as soon as she heard it was me. "Omo, look at you! Such a pretty girl! Come in, come in!" she ushered me into the building in a hurry. I was surprised at her energy and walked with her. She sat me down at a table in her office and beamed at me, her eyes crinkling at the edges. I realised she was waiting for to say or do something so I took out the necessary documents and placed them in front of me.

"I brought the things you asked for." I said timidly, her smile was starting to become a bit creepy. She picked up my documents flicking trough them quickly then put them down. That was fast. Then she looked up and leaned in closer, "I have a secret." she whispered. "Eh?" I looked at her as I tilted my head to the side. "Do you know any... kpop groups? Famour singers of South Korea?" I nodded in response. "Well, one of these groups live here... in this very apartment building!" Her face trembled in excitement and her eyes shone with it. I was shocked. I will be living in the same building as some famous people! Oh my gosh. I couldn't help but ask, "Do you know them?"

"Yes, they work in the glass building next door!" "What? Really?" I was so curious by now that I jumped from my seat and rushed outside to see the building that I saw earlier. It dawned on me that this was the company I will be working at. FNC Entertainment.

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