1. Size 10 Headache

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Picture of Grace----------------------->


Grace P.O.V

"Oh my god guys, this is beautiful" I told my friends as we were walking around New York. Let me tell you a bit about myself, I'm Grace, I'm sixteen years old and I'm about 5ft 1, yes I get it I'm small .

I'm from London but I've come on holiday with my five best friends.

There's Daniela and Holly they're my age and are like my sisters I love them and they would do anything for me like I would for them.

Then there's Jack, Joe and Freddie they're basically our bodyguards that always feel the need to protect us. Other than that they're just normal randy teenage boys. We decided to come to New York so I could get away from all the trouble with my ex-boyfriend back at home, it's also an excuse for Holly to visit her brother cause that where we're all staying.

Anyway that's enough about me.

I'd been walking around for ages and now my feet were starting to hurt.

"Oh my god guy can we just find somewhere to eat and sit down" I asked jumping on Jacks back so he could carry me.

After a couple more minutes walking we found a place. "Right, there that looks nice" Holly pointed at the restaurant the far corner. It looked cute, plus I'm starving so I don't really care. "Ok then, come on" I said jumping of Jacks back walking towards it.

Everyone walked straight into the restaurant whilst I quickly popped into the shop next door to get some pain killers. I've had a size 10 headache all day and if they expect me to go out with them tonight then I need to sort it out. Once I'd paid for the pills I opened the pack, put two in my mouth and drank some water from my bag.

I walked into the restaurant and easily found where they were all sitting I'd be surprised if I didn't find them cause they're so loud. I looked across from where they were sitting and felt quite embarrassed and mean when I realized that there were a bunch of business looking men in suits having a meeting. I rushed over to the table and sat down.

"Guys can we tone it down a notch? They're having a meeting" I nudged my head discreetly so they knew who I was talking about, and what do the morons do? They all look over at the table making it completely obvious that I was talking about them.

Johnny P.O.V

"I've had enough of this shit, Santiago has crossed us one to many times and...." I stopped talking when I felt eyes watching me. I looked to my right, the rest of the boys following my motion, and saw five teens just staring me out. The other one just had her head in hands.

"Oi mate, do you mind taking your meeting somewhere else you're making my friend uncomfortable" One of the lads shouted.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" I stood up walking over to him. "I own this restaurant so I can do whatever the fuck I want" The dick stood up thinking he could square up to me and two of my men stood up ready to fight.

"Take you're fucking meeting in the back then if this is your restaurant"

If this little piece of shit actually thinks he can get away with talking to me like that he's got another thing coming. I stepped closer to him ready to knock the shit out of him when I felt someone stepped between us. I looked down and saw the girl that had her head in her hand a few minutes ago.

"Whoa fuck me lads, watch out we got a dangerous one here" My right hand man, Joey, laughed with the other lads. Obviously they were taking the piss out of the girls' height considering I'm 6ft2.

"Step out of the way little girl, we don't want you getting hurt now" I told her

"No. Just please stop, both of you. We don't want any trouble" She said in a timid voice.

"Grace move out of the way. I'm gonna fuck this motherfucker up" annnnnd the douche speaks up.

I went to move her out of the way but dickhead smacked my hand off her shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch her! Don't you dare" I'm starting to lose my patience real quick, I just want to get my gun and pop a bullet in to his pea brain.

"Freddie! Shut up please! Stop causing trouble" Grace spoke with a bit more confidence

"Grace move!"

"No Freddie"

The other two boys that were sat at the table stood up and grabbed hold of tit heads arms dragging him out the back of the restaurant.

Grace P.O.V

I watched as Joe and Jack dragged Freddie out of the restaurant to calm him down. I then stepped back to look at this very very tall man in front of me.

"I am so sorry for his behavior, he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, and then it gets us all in trouble and he just..."

"It's fine" tall, beautiful handsome man interrupted my rambling. "Just make sure the dick doesn't ever step up and talk to me the way he did again in my restaurant or anywhere else."

"O...O...OK" I stuttered. Holly and Daniela came and stood next to me.

"Once again sorry for the shit we caused" Daniela apologized. It was all over with and we were about to walk out of the restaurant when Holly piped up,

"I'm fucking not! That dickhead! I knew we should've just come on a girl's holiday. I swear down when I fucking see Freddie I'll chop his balls off and fucking force feed them to him. Stupid fucking prick face. I can't believe..."

Oh my god Holly what are you doing!?! Daniela and I shared a quick look of shock before we grabbed ahold of Holly and dragged her out of the restaurant. We got to the door and I let go of Holly whilst Daniela had to cover her mouth to stop her from saying anything else. I turned around one more time to see everyone in the restaurant staring at me.

"Ermm... again I am so so sorry, uhhh bye?" I turned around and bolted out of there


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