Dream tag

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SteviaRogers tagged me in a dream tag thingy. So let's begin. And enjoy the song from Cinderella!

1:dream pet
A Russian blue or munchkin cat

2:dream career
I would love to be a librarian

3:dream boyfriend
I don't really care as long as he is nice, loves me and my family, and doesn't mind watching Disney and marvel movie marathons

4:dream house
Either an apartment in the city or a little farm house with a big yard were I can practice my archery

5:dream family
At least 1 kid probably a girl.

6: dream city
Either London England. Or the Scotland highlands

7: dream vehicle
A car? Maybe a motorcycle

8: dream best friend
Just someone I can hangout with and won't lie to me....

9: fictional character that you would want to be related to
Hmmmm....there's so many.
Tony  Stark
Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
John Watson

10: dream hairdo
I wish my hair was long(to my hips) sandy blonde and wavy!

11:last dream
I don't really dream at night i make up scenes in my head before I fall asleep like fanfic ideas and stuff.

I tag:
RaevynBarton MARVELousBuckyBear

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