My Life On Pages, (pilot Shaving cream)

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I was laying down near the railroad tracks, I could here voices coming down the street. It was the perfect time and place for night games through the small village of Barnwell. I sat up alittle just to see who was coming, a grin fell over my face as two boys slowly jogged into the light of a street lamp. This was too easy, I waited for the right moment to pounce on my prey, then jumped up and took off running after them. I almost got them but they are basketball and football players they where better runners than me, and let's face it I was in sock feet and out of shape.

Let's start at the beginning of the best day this week.

I was late for a party my friends were having in Barnwell a village that's five minutes away from where I live and I was excited. It's not everyday you have a shaving cream war on the hottest day in weeks.

When I got out of the car I felt my shoulders fall at the sight of all the shaving cream plastered on the playground, I had missed the epic war.

As I walked around the elementary school to the feild I saw a group of kids posing for a picture with their heads covered in shaving cream.

"BAILY'S HERE!!!!!! GET HER!!!!!"

I don't know who had made the comment but I went running for my shaving cream can. When I popped the lid off and turned around to face the mob they were already on me. I was covered from head to mid waist with shaving cream including my mouth and eyes.

I stumbled around to find the large sprinklers watering the field, when the spray of water hit my face I fell to the ground. I heard some laughs and comment but I was just glad to free of the pain in my eyes. I would get them back for attacking me.

******(latter that night)********

"Ummmmmm.... Sarah there is no burgers here."

"awwww I thought there was tonight."

"Nope I am pretty sure that is next week."

"Now we are early and look like losers."

Sarah,Riley and I had just sat down for the football game it was W.R Myers against CCH. Sarah and Riley my closest friends and we had been through a lot together.

" Hey at least the view is amazing." I commented

"Do you see number thirty-one, he has an amazing body," Riley gushed.

"Guess what, I have actually touched his abs!" Sarah squealed

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?" Riley and I screamed in unison.

"Ya I was on my run and he was playing basketball with the guys and they asked me if I wanted to play. So I felt his abs while I was guarding him."

" Ughhhh I am zoo jealous of you sarah,"

As the game dragged on our team was loosing more and more.

"Hey let's get frapachinos at half time this is getting boring." Riley suggested playing with the grass in front of her.

"ohhh ya that would be fun," Sarah commented.

The game rushed by fast after that even though our team lost, but there was something even more exciting, the after party


Hey guys this is kind of story that a want to write I want to wait for

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