Searching... For the next one.

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A/N: Dedicated to Treecrazy, why? Cause I got bored and she voted on my first story, and I just felt like it xD.


And there she stood.

In the middle of the desert.

With a diamond sword in her hand. Blood.. Blood all over the diamond sword.

Who is "she" you ask? Well my friend, "she" is TreeCrazy. Well, that is what everyone calls her. Why does everyone call her TreeCrazy? Because...

She's a fighter. She was the strongest from her town. Everyone knew her. Nobody knew her real name, nobody knew where she lives. She was as strong as a lion, as fast as a cheetah.

When she's in a fight, she never gives up. She WOULDN'T give up.

She would always help everybody. Basically, she was a hero.

She loves nature. That's where the word "Tree" comes in. But when she fights, she turns into a warrior. And I guess that's where the word "Crazy" comes in.

Anyways, back to reality.

She just fought a whole army of the undead, by herself. Nobody helped. Nobody was there to help.

She stood there proud of what she had done. With a smile, she started searching. Searching for what? For her next victim.


Likey? I actually gave her the shorter version of this... Just go to her profile to check it out xD

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