My Intro Thingy

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So I'm in school sitting by myself but I should probably introduce my self,

Hi I'm:
Becky - on my more feminine days

Sam - on the days I'm both genders or I just don't know

Ben - on my more masculine days

Today I'm feeling like both genders but more boy, so,

Hi I'm Sam, I'm gender fluid (born female)and I'm also pansexual/bisexual,


I am lonley. Very. Very. Lonley.

My one friend doesn't know I'm gender fluid, only one person does, which is the school nurse (my school is huge and we have a school nurse as well as student support.)

So right now in sitting by myself in like an atrium/cafe place (west common room) an I should probably move because the floor on which I am sitting in is hard and cold and I hurt.

-•-Time skip to when I move to some place more comfy-•-

Ok that's better!

My Genderfluid TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now