Basic Rules

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The game of Muriel is a nine-player card game involving a full deck (including jokers). The cards are ranked and scored as follows:

- Joker: 20 pts.

 - King: 15 pts.

- Queen: 14 pts.

- Jack: 11 pts.

- 10: 10 pts.

- 9: 9 pts.

- 8: 8 pts.

- 7: 7 pts.

- 6: 6 pts.

- 5: 5 pts.

- 4: 4 pts.

- 3: 3 pts.

- 2: 2 pts.

- Ace: 1 pt.

The deck is shuffled and cards are drawn. The person who draws the highest card is the dealer. Each players get six cards. The dealer leads the first trick with a face-down card (all tricks are led with a face-down card); all other players follow with a face-up card. After the other eight players have followed, the dealer flips his card face up (this is known as "revealing lead"). The person who dealt the highest card gets the two highest cards on the table (called "claims"), which are placed in their scoring pile. The person who leads the next trick gets the remainder of the cards (called "strays"), regardless of whether or not they have any cards in their hand (if a player's hand consists only of strays, this is called a "strategic known"), which are then placed in the player's hand. Then the player who received the strays leads the next trick.

There are some criteria for claims:

- If the claims on the table are identical, then the second person receives both claims.

- If there are three or more identical claims, then the person who dealt the second claim gets both the second and the third claims.

- If both jokers are on the table (known as a "muriel"), then the jokers count as the claims, and the person who dealt the second claim gets both claims plus the two next-highest cards on the table (known as "bonus claims"), which are all placed in that player's scoring pile, and strays are distributed as normal.

Players who are out of cards and are not yet receiving strays pass their turn.

The hand continues until all players run out of cards.

Hands are played until one person reaches or exceeds a score of 300 points and wins.

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