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••hey guys I'm going to try to make this chapter a little longer to help develop the story! Any input is appreciated thank you!••

Elyza had just punched Benji in the face. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Before he could even get up and recollect himself Elyza had grabbed my hand and pulled me straight outside.
"That was awesome." I stared at her in awe.
She smirked. There it was. That smirk.
"Thanks, he deserved it." Elyza was looking down at her hand. It was a little bloody and already bruising. She had hit him hard.
"Do you wanna get out of here?" Elyza looked at me. Nick was most likely drunk. Benji was a dick. And I was wasted and didn't know anybody else here.
"Sure, yea lets go."
Elyza nodded and grabbed my hand. She dragged me along, half carrying me down the steps on the front porch and brought us to a Harley Davidson Motorcycle.
"Good one, where's your car?" I was drunk but not stupid.
"This is it love." She pulled out two helmets.
"I always have a spare." She winked at me.
"Elyza, I don't know if I can.."
"Come on, it'll be fun. And I'm a great driver." She smiled at me and made a pouty lip. Those blue eyes were going right through me. I hated it.
"Fine. But promise you'll go slow." I held out my pinky. She latched hers with mine.
"I'll go slow...well my version of slow."
We talked for another minute and I told her we could go back to my house and I'd bandage her up. My parents were out of town for another banquet or something so the house would be empty.

Elyza hopped on the bike and I got on behind her. She started the bike and revved it. Then without warning, she took off.

It took me by surprise so much that I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my head into her back. I was holding on pretty tight. She drove faster. And I held tighter. Our versions of slow were very different.

We sped through town, barely stopping at stop signs, swerving through cars and potholes. Finally I directed her to my house and we pulled up.

She stopped the bike and pulled her helmet off shaking her hair. She laughed. "How was that daddy's girl?" I didn't like the nickname.
"Okay first of all-" I took my helmet off, and before I could get the rest of my sentence out...I was throwing up. All. Over. The. Road.

Elyza grabbed my hair and pulled it back while I choked up the cup of fun she'd given me. Or the three. She rubbed my back. After another minute I stood up.

"I'm so sorry." I wiped my mouth.
"Don't sweat it love." She laughed.
"Now, how about we go fix my hand up?"

--------------ELYZAS POV----------------

After Alicia had thoroughly emptied her stomach she led me inside a huge house across the street. It was white with a brick path leading to the huge front doors. It looked like a castle almost. We went inside and she led me up a huge winding staircase.

"I've gotta say daddy's girl, this is a nice place." I looked around taking it all in.
"It's alright." Alicia slurred her s. Then she looked at me and rolled her eyes.
"Home sweet home."
She opened a door leading to her room. A huge queen bed sat in the room. There was a flat screen. A walk in closet, a futon. A desk with a new looking computer on it.
"Damn." I said. I plopped down on her bed.
"I'll be right back." Alicia stepped into the bathroom that was connected to her room and came back with a First Aid kit.
"Here I've got this under control." Alicia stumbled over to me on the bed and sat next to me. She took my hand in hers.
"This might sting a little." She washed the cuts out with peroxide but I didn't flinch. It barely hurt.
"Wow you're tough." She laughed. Then she wrapped my hand in bandages and gauze.
"Good as new." She stood up laughing.
"Thank you." I replied. I looked down.
"So Elyza thanks again for defending me back there. Boys can be pigs." Alicia laid down on the other side of the bed from me.

"You're telling me." I scoffed.
"Did you get out of a bad relationship with a guy? I get it." Alicia smiled and rolled to face me. I turned still sitting to face her.
"No guys aren't really my type." I laughed.
"Then what is?" Alicia was so clueless I couldn't help but smile.
"Girls." She got quiet. Finally she said something.
"That's awesome, you're awesome." She hiccuped between words.
"Well love, I should get going. I stood up but she grabbed my good hand and pulled my ear to her lips. Then she whispered.
"I had a really good time tonight, I wanna see you again." She giggled. I had butterflies. I never get butterflies.
"Me too. I'll text you." I tried to pull away again but she pulled me back in, kissed me on the cheek and then rolled over and fell asleep.

I left with a smile and wasn't even worried about my hand.

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