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Part 14

The next week, 2 days before Caspar got home:

Joe's thoughts:
I woke up and looked next to me. There she was, the most beautiful girl in the world, just sleeping next to me. She doesn't only sleep next to me, but she also likes me, she could choose anyone else but she choose me. I kissed her on her forehead as she woke up. "Good morning love" I said. "Good morning Charming" she said. That's how she called me, Charming. Because I'm quite Charming if I say so myself. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Yeah, a great one" she said whiles yawning. "You're cute" I said and I have her a cuddle. I want her to be my girlfriend, I want it so bad. So what am I going to do? Just ask? Yes, I'm just gonna say it. Her I go, come on Sugg, you can do this. "Uh Hayden?" I said. "Yeah?" She said. "What are we?" I asked. "Uh... Humans" she laughed. "No, I mean... Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked. "Yes, yes we are" she said whiles smiling at me. I was so happy that I kissed her neck and have her a really tight hug. "Joseph!" She laughed. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. She is my sunshine. My only sunshine.

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