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Knowing that he wanted to find out everything about me made me feel sick to the stomach. As soon as the bell rang for the end of class, I scurried out the door. I glanced back and bumped into someone. I let go of my grasp of my art folder and it fell to the floor the contents falling out along with it. I signed.

"Sorry..." I mumbled then I looked up to see who it was in front of me, it was Duke.

"It's ok..." He said, prompting for my name.

"Megan. My name is Megan," I obliged. He smiled and breathed in which made it seem like he was taking in my new found voice.

"Duke," He said holding out his hand. I shook it gently as I noticed my hands fits perfectly in his.

"Yeah, I know, even though I've never even spoke to you before," I said, then blushed trying to easily pick up conversation. He laughed at me quirkiness and how quick I was to respond.

"Yeah, none of the girls tend to speak to me. They seem to think that I have a personal space problem," He said, wearing a comically confused expression. I smirked at him and myself knowing that I secretly felt the same as the other girls did but I wouldn't let him know that. However, I couldn't help let out a laugh.

"See! Even you think I do!" He laughed along with me easily figuring out my laugh.

I then dropped down to the floor to pick my art folder up. I went to reach them but Duke beat me to it.
"Here, let me help you," He said. He picked them up and handed them to me. He acted like a pure gentleman which made me feel like a lady than a mouse that I'm used to being called.

"Thank you," I said while getting up. I started to walk away fearing being late for class but he followed me.

"I'm sorry, Megan, but I recognize you from somewhere," He told me but he was waiting for me to respond the words he said which sounded more like a question than a normal line.

I smiled. He knows me! Then, when realisation hit me, I looked down disappointingly. He doesn't really, he just remembers me from this morning.

"I'm the girl on the floor this morning," I said. He stopped suddenly, and I did too.

"You stood up to Jake?" He asked me, stunned .

"It would be so". I replied, carefully.

"Megan, I would be careful. Jake isn't a person to let things slide. Especially, when a little girl who had enough of him, stood up and showed him up in front of the whole school". He warned me.

My face went blank. I am not a little girl! Last I checked I was in the same year as him.

"Thanks for the advice but this little girl isn't going to be afraid anymore," I informed him, walking off to my next class.

When the bell rang for the end of the day I hurried out the doors and started to make my way out of school. Suddenly, someone pulled me back, hard.

Whoever it was, they didn't let go of me. It felt strange. The touch of someone I knew. I turned my face to meet Jake's. The touch suddenly exploded with sparks and tingles. He pulled me along to the back of the school. When we reached the spot he spun me around and backed me against the wall.

"What do you want Jake?" I asked impatiently, tying to not appear to be scared which was the way I truly felt at this moment in time.

"Well what would be the point in telling you?" He replied cockily.

"Seriously, if you want revenge then do it soon because I just want to move on," I said, irritated.
He smiled.

"What would make you feel that I wanted revenge?" He asked.

"After what I did to you..." I trailed off, puzzled.

"You didn't do much," He shrugged like it was a normal occurrence for him and that I was different to others.

"Ok, so if you don't want revenge then what do you want?" I asked. He smirked.

"You'll find out," He replied. I laughed.

"So you're just wasting my time," I said, looking around me ready to leave.

"Yes, no, maybe so," he said annoyingly. "Just remember something."

"What?" I asked, curiously.

"I've found out more about you over lunch, so I think you may be seeing more of me," He smirked.
My jaw dropped in disgust.

"Just leave me alone". I said.

"Oh, I don't think so..." He said, a grin playing across his lips. I looked at him. Those eyes draw you in and that hair would be so soft to touch. I shivered. Get back to the conversation!

"Why not?" I said a little louder than before. He laughed. I shook my hair in disbelief. It came falling out of place. He raised his hand. I stepped back further into the wall. He smiled and then tucked my hair behind my ears and then moved his hand all the way down to my hips. I felt the tingles. I wanted him closer in that second. Then I realised what I was thinking.

"Because we are connected, Megan," He whispered.

"What do you mean?" I asked, breathlessly.

"You feel the tingles and sparks, true?" He asked. I hesitated, then nodded. He smiled.

"Then I'll leave you to figure it out," He said, softly.

I snorted.

 "Great, another puzzle to add to my life," I said, sarcastically. He chuckled. Then he looked at me from head to toe. He smirked when he reached my eyes.

"Lose the hoodie, now," He said. I ignored him. He then had one hand on my shoulder and with the other hand he unzipped my hoodie. My body didn't react. He slowly took the hoodie off completely. I looked at him. He then smiled, throwing the hoodie over his shoulder.
"Now that's what I call a body!" He said looking at me. I blushed.

"And with that I will leave you with a token of are connection," He said. Without realising what was happening, he placed his soft lips on mine. It only lasted for a minute but my body wanted more.
I closed my eyes. When I opened them I saw that he had left me. He left me alone, at a empty school without a hoodie. Great.

The thing I can't figure out is that kiss. What was it? Was it a joke? We have a connection? Maybe this is the revenge. All I know is that I need to be careful.

So what do you think?

I need feedback please!

In anyway. Comment, vote.

I'll upload soon, Abi x

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