Chapter 15 - Gypsy Danger

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January 2nd, 2025 - 8 pm

They walked close behind Mako as they led her to where Raleigh's newly restored Jaeger was waiting. She could feel the pep in his step and it made her giggle. He gave her an odd look and she just shook her head. He smiled at her and slung an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. His warmth washed over her and she reveled in the protected feeling he gave her. She was much shorter than he was and when he placed his arm around her it gave her a sense of comfort like nothing else could. 

The sound of machinery caught her attention and she looked up. There in front of her, she could barely see the Jaeger her husband was to pilot and it took her breath away. She had always wanted to see a Jaeger up close and at one point she had aspired to be a pilot but circumstances had forced her to give up on that dream. 

"There she is," Mako said as they reached the open area. She looked up and whistled. 

"Oh, my God. Look at her. Gipsy Danger. God, it's so beautiful. She looks like new." Raleigh breathed. She looked up at her husband and smiled fondly. He was finally in his element. She had never seen him this at home and it was a nice change. 

"Better than new, she has a double core nuclear reactor. She's one of a kind now." Mako explained. 

"She always was," Raleigh replied before turning to her. "What do you think of her?"

"She's beautiful." She replied, completely at a loss for words. She grinned at him as she shifted Ezra on to her other hip. Carrying a five-year-old was no easy task, and his weight was starting to catch up to her. The hip he had been resting on popped in protest and she closed her eyes to let the pain pass. 

"How do you like the ride, Becket boy? Solid iron hull, no alloys. Forty acres of blades muscle span and a new fluid synam system." They turned around to find a man with interesting taste approaching them. His black hair was slicked back and he was wearing a rather ostentatious bow tie. 

"Tendo!"Raleigh exclaimed, striding forward to embrace his old friend. "Good to see you, buddy

"It's good to see you too, brother. It's just like old times." Tendo replied and she sees his eyes flick over Raleigh's shoulder and then back. "Who is this beautiful young lady?"

"Tendo meet Analia." Raleigh introduced. She looked over at the man and smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you, miss." Tendo greeted, taking her hand in his and placing a kiss on her knuckles. She looked over at Raleigh with a look of disbelief that he simply shrugged off.

"Likewise." She replied, putting her hand back to where it had been cradling her baby boy.

"How did you two meet?" Tendo asked.

"She saved my life after the incident," Raleigh explained wrapping an arm around her shoulders and giving her a squeeze. "She's been following me around ever since."

"More like taking care of you. Someone had to make sure you were actually taking care of yourself." She quipped, jabbing him in the side with her index finger.

"Well I thank you for keeping him alive," Tendo said gratefully. She inclined her head in response, before turning to look at the boy in her arms as he shifted.

"She's done more than that," Raleigh said quietly, ruffling their boy's hair, effectively waking him up.

"Well done love. Now he's going to be cranky." She chastised with a sigh before switching Ezra to her other hip again.

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