"Now, you see, 'to death' seems to be a bit over dramatic," Nick teased.

Judy glares at him. "Says the guy who cried like a baby when I accidentally bit him. You kept insisting I take you to the doctor. It wasn't even bleeding!"

Nick frowned. "But it hurt like hell! Plus, that was years ago! Let it go!"

Judy laughs. "Oh no. This is a story I definitely plan on telling the grandkids."

Nick rolls his eyes. "I also hope you know," He said, "that our kids can sleep through anything. The world could be ending right now and those kids wouldn't even know what hit them. They'd sleep right through it. Nothing can wake them up."

Judy giggled. "Oh, I think their scary mother could." She smiles confidently.

"Of course you could! With that nasty morning breath you could wake the dead!" Nick says, laughing at his own joke.

Judy kicks him hard in the stomach, causing Nick to roll over and grunt and pain.

"You...horrid...creature!" Nick said as he rubbed his belly. "You know, if you keep this abuse going I'm going to have to call the cops."

"You're a cop. Can you not handle the situation?" Judy taunted. "Is a harmless bunny too much for you?" She giggled at his annoyed face.

"Harmless?" He laughs. "I beg to differ."

Judy continues to giggle as she finally gets off the bed and heads downstairs.

"I'll make the coffee to make it up to you." She says.

Nick rolls his eyes. "Coffee is not going to help me after suffering from a traumatic event like that."

Judy shrugs. "Okay." She goes to leave, but he stops her.

"But you know what will?"

"Did I ask?"

"Kisses. They make everything better."

Judy pretended to think about it. "Hmm...how about no?"

Nick frowned. "Meanie."

Judy smiles and exits the room, shaking her head. "While I'm doing that go check on the kids." She tells him from the stairway.

Nick sighs as he gets up to do what his rude, scary wife told him to do.

He checks on the sister foxes, Vixie and Marian, then the brothers, Todd and Robin, then Thumper, then Lola, and lastly Snow.

He opens her door, expecting her to be sleeping soundly in her bed. However, to his surprise, she wasn't there. She wasn't in her room at all.

A confused look appears on his face. He walks all the way in and even looked in her closet.

"Well, it was worth a shot." Nick said, knowing full well that she wasn't going to be in there. He was tempted to look under the bed. "Hmm, she's probably in the bathroom."

When he made it downstairs he saw Judy making the coffee, humming to herself.

"Are they asleep?" Judy asked as she heard her husband walk into the kitchen. "I swear, if Robin pulled an all nighter again I am taking his ZBox away. Oh and I was in the kids' bathroom just now and they're out of toothpaste. Remind me to buy some later today."

"Wait, you were in their bathroom just now?" Nick asked.

Judy turned around and gave him a confused look. "Uh...yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Snow wasn't in her room," Nick replied, "I thought she was in her bathroom."

Judy ignored the way her heart began to beat faster. She also tried to ignore the wave of worry that suddenly surged through her. Animals, mostly Nick even when he was just as guilty, would often tell her that she worries too much and too easily. But this was different. Deep down in the core of her soul, she knew better than to ignore it. This was her maternal instinct telling her something is wrong.

Zootopia: Snowfall (CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now