Chapter 7- Reaction

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As Arcee walked, she felt her frame ache. She was glad she had left; she felt as though much longer on her feet would have resulted in her collapsing, and that would have drawn even more unwanted attention. She also felt like she could have shouted at all of them. Soft padding of little feet alerted her, and turned to see Jack.

" Arcee!"

" Jack, I really need to rest-"

" Are you okay?" He asked, ignoring her words. She looked away.

" I'm fine....just a little sore." She said, again with the same flatness in her voice, frustrated at hearing the same question twice already.

"I wasn't referring to your injuries." Jack spoke, looking at her seriously.

"I'm FINE." She said a little strongly. Jack looked upon his guardian, hoping a slight sad face might get her to open up.

" Then why are you hiding?" She looked back at him, unsure of what to say. Jack looked upon her, trying to figure her out. His eyes traced the small cut under her left optic.

" Jack, now is not the time-"

" Arcee-"

" NO!"

She paused as she saw she shock on his face. She quickly made to apologise, kneeling down to his level "Jack, I didn't mean to-"

" It's okay. I..just thought I could - actually, never mind. I'll let you rest. See you tomorrow." He spoke, feeling dejected as he walked away. Arcee watched, feeling her spark ache. She felt confused, and she didn't know exactly how to explain it to anyone, despite Jack being present when Soundwave had kissed her. She hadn't meant to be so harsh.

Not to Jack.

Megatron optics widened as the footage Knockout had manage to capture. As it played on the screen, Megatron's face was beyond belief. His most trusted, most loyal, most dependable servant, had kissed an Autobot. Worse still, it seems he had saved her also, and her pathetic human pet. . He wouldn't have cared if she had been but a desire of lust...but Knockout seemed convinced that that was not the case, and Soundwave's feelings were truly of compassion, having watched and listened silently outside the cave, and when Soundwave had appeared with both the femme and the human in his arms, he had watched the scene unfold with as much surprise as his leader.

Megatron's thoughts swelled with anger at the impudence of Soundwave. The silent mech was making a big mistake.

"Knockout, you have done well," Megatron said, but it was hardly with any sound of congratulation.

" Why thank you, Lord Megatron." Knockout said, flattered either way, as he delivered an elaborate bow, wasted as Megatron stood with his back to vanity driven mech. "So, what now?" he asked, expecting punishment to be delivered upon Soundwave, which he looked forward too.

" For now...nothing." Megatron said contemplatively.

Knockout looked surprised.

" Nothing? Surely you should-"

" Punish him? What good will that do? In due time, yes, but... I need to fully ascertain the mech he has evolved into, now he is no longer the silent mech I have known since the early wars...If something as trivial as a femme can make him fall, who knows what Intel he might give to Optimus...but rest assured, Knockout, he will suffer for this treason, and his little femme Arcee, will suffer as well."

Soundwave walked unashamed through the halls of the Nemesis. Every Vehicon he passed, every insecticon he passed, stared at the new mech. Soundwave's visor was gone, and the face many thought had never existed was there for all to see.

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