"If the mood's not ruined, wanna dance?" Ethan held you a hand for me.

"Why not?" I took his hand and we strolled onto the dance floor.

I put my arms around his neck and he placed his around my waist. I felt like I was back at one of my middle school dances. We swayed for bit, but the rising temperature in the room was starting to get to me; and my worrying for John. They still hadn't returned. I knew they liked to go as far away as possible for the gun training, but this was ridiculous. Nighttime was the worst time to be driving around, all the dangers amplified by the darkness.

"I need to get some fresh air," I said, my lips at Ethan's ear.

He pouted. "You wanna end the party so soon?"

"No, fool. I just need some air. You going to be fine without me for a few minutes?"

Ethan pursed his lips. "I dunno."

I dislodged myself from our slow dancing, shoving him towards the table where Chloe was back sitting at.

"Go take care of your sister in the meantime."

"Pushy," Ethan said with a shake of his head.

The cool night air hit my face as soon as I stepped outside. I wiped the sweat from my forehead – it really had been boiling in there. The pathway's leading to the clubhouse were lined with solar lights, illuminating the way. I followed the one that lead to the well-kept garden tucked behind the building. There was a single white bench along the path that I plunked myself down on. Thanks to the fresh air and short stroll, the effects of the alcohol was starting to lessen.

I had been sitting for a whole three minutes when I heard the familiar squeal of the rusted hinges on the front gate. Please let that be John. I ran back along the path, almost tripping over one of the solar lights. Maybe I wasn't becoming as sober as I thought I was.

Two vehicles poured into Hargrove. Since everyone was at the celebration, the opening and closing of the gate was left to the two guards normally posted at their towers. A spot light was shining down just above the gate, making it look like dramatic stage production. They quickly closed the gate, kicking back at a couple of infected trying to sneak in. Once the gate was latched, they ran back up their post to shoot the infected they had booted out.

I watched the people get out of the vehicles. My breath caught as I spotted a tired looking John get out of one of the driver's seats. I ran over to him.

"You sure took your sweet time," I said as soon as I was close enough.

I had to dodge around Grant who didn't even acknowledge my presence.

"Me? What 'bout you and your excursion with Darren?" John said, giving me a hug.

I scrunched my noise; he smelt terrible.

"You need a bath, bad."

He let out a tired laugh. "We picked the wrong spot to stop. There was like an army of infected. Grant shot one too close to me and it splattered all over me." He glared when he said Grants name.

"What till I tell you what I fell in during my trip."

I walked with John back to his condo, to find a lonesome Zoe sitting on the couch sniffling. John raised a brow, but I told him showering was the best thing he could do at the moment. I sat down beside her.

"What's wrong?"

"Darren wouldn't talk to me. He just paced angrily before taking off."

"Where too?"

This Would Be Paradise (Book 2)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now