Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sun shining through my window. It's a beautiful day outside. I throw on my bikini and shorts. I race downstairs and grab a banana out of the bowl that sits in the bowl on the table. I grab a towel out of the closet and grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

I open up the back door and step outside but not before screaming "I'll be on the beach." To my parents. I place my towel on the railing that separates my house from the beach. I make my way down to where the water and sand meet. I let the cool water coat my toes before slowly vanishing leaving this sinking feeling in the sand. I notice the waves are perfect for surfing. Their wild and big today. The undertow doesn't seem too bad. I need to snap myself out of these thoughts though because I don't wanna surf and talking about it only seems to make the pain increase.

"Yo Dylan." I hear Brandy scream. I watch as she places her towel next to mine before making her way over to me. She is wearing a baby blue strapless bikini top with white High waisted shorts.

Her outfit looks much prettier then my royal blue strapless bikini top and light wash jean shorts. I take notice in her long blonde hair that hangs off her shoulder in a loose fishtail braid. The color of her hair matches the dark even tan she has. My long blonde hair falls down my back in waves. I have never liked my blonde hair because of my tan skin. It makes my face look weird in my opinion.

"Hey I like your outfit." I say pulling myself out of my thoughts.

"Thanks I like yours it looks perfect on you." She says I give her a thankful smile just enjoying the view.

"I brought the stuff wanna get it out." She says looking towards the black bag. I nod walking over and sure enough there were two sets of snorkeling masks we take out the goggles along with the flippers.

After a very long discussion we decide to just hold our breath so we can swim down farther and then later we will use the breathing thingies.

We place the goggles on laughing at each others appearance. Once we calm down I take a look back up at her sending us into another fit of giggles. Finally we sobered up and put on the flippers. I ran inside the garage and grabbed two wetsuits. I was letting Brandy borrow my moms I took my own. It was black and blue. The blue matched my blue surfboard perfectly. No snap out of it.

Then we put the wet suits on and flop our way down to the ocean. We get in and quickly swim around. After adjusting my goggles so water can't get in I start to look at my surroundings.

I come up out of water taking a breath before plunging in again.

The first thing I noticed was the small guppies swimming around in large groups. But then I saw it the big fish. It was gorgeous. All silver. The sun hit it perfectly giving it this glow. It was about the length of a greyhound dog. It was huge. But completely harmless

I came back up to take another breath. I love the ocean you can swim but see more then just the fish. We noticed the undertow starting to get strong so we decided to head back so we wouldn't get lost at see. When we got to shore we took off our equipment and wetsuits and just laid down on our towels enjoying the warmth that sun was providing.

"I wish this was how it always felt. No worries. It almost feels as if your dad doesn't have cancer and your brother is home." Brandy said

"Yea me too. It feels as if Mitchell is planning his next prank on us or fixing up my surf board." I replied.

This is why I like talking to Brandy. We are practically family. Like I said before our grandparents have been friends since they were kids leaving our moms born and raised as best friends. Then our parents did the same thing with us and Mitchell and Logan.

"I know it's hard on you, it's hard on all of us. Your not alone. Everything will turn out alright. Life sucks now I couldn't agree more, but you can survive this. We can survive this." When she finished her little speech I had tears in my eyes. I grabbed her and hugged her practically to death. And that's how we spent the next few minutes. Just me and my best friend hugging and crying at the beach.

"I love you." That's all I say. That's all I have to say. Those three simple words when said by either of us can mean the world to the other. It means that if things are not alright now one day they will be.

After we sober up we just sit there smiling at each other like idiots.

"Your birthday is tomorrow!!!!! I have the perfect present for you!!" She says breaking the silence

"I really hope it's not expensive!" I say back. She tends to over spend on me.

"Oh shush you'll love it!" So with that said. The subject is drop. Its hard to believe that I will be fifteen tomorrow, and my big brother won't be there to see me. Who knows it could be the last birthday with my dad too.

All these negative thoughts are giving me a headache. I need to get up and do something.

"Hey let's build sandcastles." I say. She nods and that's how we spend then next few hours. When its over we take pictures with our cameras.

"Girls time to come in its getting dark." My mom calls we obey and walk silently to the house.

We head to my room. I shower and change. While Brandy is showering I head into the kitchen and grab the cereal. I also grab two Bowles and spoons. I bring up the chocolate milk and set it all up on my wood floor. When she is out of the shower we eat and watch movies.

Before I fall asleep I add the picture to my scrapbook and write a quick letter. Than I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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