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[ Hey :) another update because you guys are just amazing. I still haven't got this story planned out :/ so just bare with me. ]


*Liam's POV*

"He's weird" Harry added as we walked out of the cafeteria. I immediately knew who he was talking about.

"I wouldn't exactly call him weird…okay, you got it. He is weird; he acts weird, talks weird and stares weird. There's just something about him" I replied. 

The conversation with Zayn this morning was still on my mind; even thinking about it made me feel uncomfortable; they way Zayn looked at me wasn't just normal; it was a look that I couldn't quite put a finger to. 

"Where do you think he went last night?" Harry asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"I don't know. Definitely not a club; he was sober" I replied with a small shrug. Figuring Zayn out is probably the most difficult thing I have ever dealt with.

"Holy shit” I jerked my head towards Harry; who look unusually pale. I followed his glaze only to feel my own skin pale and turn an uncomfortable cold; a gasp soon found its way out of my mouth. Zayn; Zayn’s fist colliding with someone’s jaw, his feet kicking against someone’s and his mouth producing horrifying growls.

Surprisingly, we were the only ones in the corridor; I figured everyone went outside.

"Are we supposed to try and stop him?" I asked Harry; my teeth dug harshly in to the skin of my bottom lip; I wasn’t exactly looking forward to having a conversation with Zayn when he like this but we had to stop him otherwise he would kill the poor boy.

"I suggest we just ignore this and go oustide" He said. 

"We can't do that Harry!" I exclaimed.

I had to stop Zayn. I didn’t what Zayn’s reason was for doing this but this had to stop because anymore punching and that guy would die. 

"We're not going to do anything" Harry whispered protested. He grabbed my elbow and held me close to him to prove his point but shook it off.

"Well, I am. You can just stay here if you want to" I snapped.

"Liam, stop. This is Zayn Malik" Harry hissed.

"I know who he is" I rolled before I walked away from Harry and towards the happening.  

Just like this morning Zayn froze; how did he go that? How did he know I was near him everything I was? His snapped out towards me so sharply that I took a step back; concentrating on his expression I was able to get absolutely nothing. It irritated me. I was always able to read people but when it came to Zayn, it was just impossible.

"Didn’t I tell you to go aw--?"

"Shut up and let go off him" I interrupted; gathering up all my courage. Zayn growled – quite monstrous and furious. I waited for him to snap at me but all that came was that stare and before I could even think further. Zayn let go of the boy, dropping him down and then he was gone – up the stairs, probably to the dorm room.

I breathed out a breath I didn’t know I was holding once he was gone and turned to boy; bruised covered most of his visible skin and I doubt he was even able to stand up. I turned around when I heard footsteps coming. 

"Harry, get him to the nurse. I am going to talk to Zayn" I said. Harry winced at the sight of the boy as instantly went to his side.

"Be careful" Harry warned to which I nodded quickly.  

When I reached our dorm, I found the door left ajar which was good before I certainly expected for Zayn to lock the door. As soon as I pushed into the door, a cold hand settled on my shoulder pushing me back until I was pinned against the nearest wall to the door. The sudden action caused my eyes to close and for my breathing to hitch silently; I lost control of my breathing causing it to sound all raged and uneven. When my eyes flashed open, I was greeted by the sight of Zayn’s fiery- filled eyes; they dug into my own, creating an intense cloud around the two of us. I didn’t know what to say; having Zayn this close to me – I couldn’t even think.

"Zayn" I whimpered quietly but that when unnoticed my Zayn who continued to pierce his way through me with his oh-so- heavenly eyes.

"Listen here" He hissed; the sudden sound of his voice pushed me to the edge making at least about a thousand shivers run through, knocking the air out of me yet again. Zayn’s hands sneaked up – big and ice cold, they grasped onto the fabric of my jumper firmly as he moved closer to me, pushing his body flush against mine – I bit the inside of my lip to stop myself from making even the slightest of noise. Zayn definitely wasn’t going to appreciate it. With the last bit of strength I had, I tried to fight him off; at that, Zayn moved one of his hands down to my wrist, his hand painfully tight around my own. Was he seriously planning to sink his hand through my skin? My eyes were locked with his and when I let out a small whimper something flashed through him before his hand went loose around my wrist.

"Get off, Zayn" I breathed out, my chest falling and rising rapidly as I spoke.


"I-" Zayn tried; he ran a hand through his hair. There was a change in the way he spoke; for the first time he didn’t seem to force words out of himself. He pushed back from me as if he realized what he had been doing. And I finally seemed to breathe out properly.

As much as I wanted to hear out what Zayn had to say; I didn't wait for him to finish the sentence. I was out of the door in a blink of an eye. I didn't know what else to do. After pulling the door closer behind me, I slid against the door, grasping onto my hair desperately as thoughts invaded my brain. 

The Zayn I just saw was the same Zayn everyone else saw. This was the Zayn everyone knew but this wasn't Zayn. I felt like he was hiding himself, not letting me or anyone else know of who he truly was. He was a whole different person and he seemed to be at the moment.


[ There you go. My favourite chapter to write so far ^-^]





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