Chapter Forty-two:

Start from the beginning

"Well, yes and no." He acknowledged, arising from the couch and strolling over to the kitchen. "We need blood to survive, but we don't have to consume it exclusively. We can eat whatever we please."

Opening the fridge door, Spike took out a pouch of fluid resembling red wine. However, it was most certainly not wine. Undoubtedly intrigued, she regarded him curiously as he retrieved a white mug from one of the wall-mounted cabinets. He unceremoniously tore open the seal with his teeth and drained the contents.

Placing the full mug in the microwave, he shut the door. He set the timer for thirty seconds, each button beeping as he did so.

"What are you doing?"

Pivoting on the spot, Spike leaned back leisurely against the counter. His hands gently gripped the edge. "Reheating pig's blood."


He raised his eyebrows at her, as if the answer should have been apparent. "It tastes better warm."


Spinning back around and popping open the microwave door, he beat the timer by precisely one second. He removed his mug, returning to his seat on the couch. Spike set his mug down on the side table.

Turning, he maneuvered himself until he was facing her, cross-legged, and their eyes met.

She mirrored his position. "How long has it been since you last fed on human blood?"

"Since before I had a chip implanted in my brain."

"A chip?"

"A division of the military whose main objective was to capture and experiment on demons set up camp in Sunnydale a while back. They put a computer chip in my head that prevents me from hurting human beings. If I were to so much as hit someone, I would be punished with extreme pain."

She nodded. "I see."

He propped his elbows on his knees. "I never did ask; where do you call home?"

"I have no home."

"Where were you born?"

Her lips hinted at a playful smirk. "I wasn't born. I was unleashed."

A grin broke across his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes. It had been far too long since Hel had seen Spike wear such a genuine smile. "No, seriously. I'm interested in where you come from." He professed sincerely.

"I was born in the Realm Eternal, the kingdom of Asgard."

He leaned forward, holding her gaze steadily. "Tell me about it." He encouraged.

"What do you want to know?"

He smiled encouragingly. "Everything. Tell me a story."

"Alright." She bit her lower lip nervously, pausing to collect her thoughts. Silence fell between them while she searched her memories for a suitable story to tell.

"When I was a child, many rooms in the palace were off-limits," she finally began. "One in particular intrigued me: the relics vault. According to rumours, it held the most powerful artefacts in all the Nine Realms, and I was determined to see for myself. After nightfall, I picked the lock and snuck inside. Unaware of the enchantments that had been cast on the door by Queen Frigga, I accidentally locked myself inside.

I was discovered the following morning, by one of the patrolling guards. The King was furious, of course. My father reprimanded me, but it was all for show; being quite mischievous himself, he was impressed, and rewarded me with my very first book of spells. However, before I was caught, I stole something. A souvenir, if you will."

"What did you take?" Spike inquired.

Hel smiled fondly. "A silver key."

"A key? To unlock what?"

"I haven't the faintest idea." She replied. "But, to this day, it resides in my personal bedchamber in the palace of Asgard, in the drawer of my bedside table."

Before she knew it, she was telling him her entire life story. He was utterly engrossed by her tale, attentive the entire time. His unwavering focus never strayed from her even once.

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