Chapter 01 "A New Day"

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          Waking up, I can't help but notice the feeling like something's different. Like something has changed, but I don't know what. Maybe it's my room? I take a look around my room, looking for any sign of change. Nope, still the same old room I know. I subconsciously take a quick sniff and notice I smell, eggs? Odd, I've never smelled eggs before, especially from in my room. Once I notice it, I listen and, can hear a slight commotion from downstairs, which surprises me as my door is closed, and I can usually never hear anything from downstairs, even the TV. Sitting upright in my bed, I finally notice the difference. My room's hot, like, hotter than usual for my room. My mom walks in my room, and she doesn't look as hot as I feel.

          "Morning, Shawn," Mom says. Oh, should have mentioned this earlier, but oh well. Hi, my name's Shawn, if you couldn't tell at this point. What you're reading, is a story about how my life changed in just a few hours. Now with that out of the way. Mom looks at me while she walks up to my bed. "You alright?" Mom says. I feel fine, I think.

          "Yeah. What's the temperature at? It's a little hot," I say. Mom has a slight look of shock at my question.

          "It's same as it always is. Sixty-five. You sure you're alright?" Mom insists. I nod lightly in response. It sure doesn't feel like sixty-five in my room. "Come on downstairs, it's a bit cooler," Mom says. I get up and follow Mom down the stairs, but I don't feel any cooler, but instead, actually feels hotter than in my room.

          "It still feels hot. Actually, a little hotter than my room," I say. Mom looks at me for a second before taking a step up to me and placing her wrist on my forehead, only to take it off almost immediately, a look of surprise coming across her face, which this surprise, isn't a good one. Mom immediately heads into the bathroom and grabs a thermometer, getting it ready and cooled. Mom sticks it in my mouth, and takes it back out once it goes off. Looking at it, the surprise that had her facial expression, is now replaced with dread. Utter fear of the worst, which makes me worry. What was my temperature?

          "Come on," Mom says, panic shaking her voice. Mom's tone makes me worry a bit, as she's never been this worried. Ever. I manage to grab the thermometer before Mom grabs my wrist and drags me out the door to our truck, setting me in the passenger seat. Mom climbs in the truck and does not hesitate to get us going. As we pull away from our house, I look out the window and make short eye contact with Carla as we pass her on the sidewalk. I turn in my seat to watch Carla as we drive away.

          Before I know it, we've pulled up to the doctor's office. Mom pulls me out and resumes to drag me into the building, and surprisingly gets me in quickly. Once I'm fully aware of what's happening, I'm being asked to open my mouth so that my temperature can be taken again. The medical thermometer gets a reading, surprising the nurse, which reminds me that I've still got our thermometer. I pull it out of my pocket and take a look at the display, but see that it reset itself. Putting the household thermometer back in my pocket, I try to see what the medical one says. 359.6°F. I now see why they're all panicked about me.

          "Shawn," Someone says to my right, scaring the crap out of me. I jump and shift myself to where I'm facing my usual doctor. I calm down a little bit, still panicked about my lethal temperature. "Are you feeling alright, Shawn?" He says, trying to sound soothing and calming. I look at him, in a slight daze. I try to will myself to return, which I'm able to. "How long have you felt like this?" He says lightly.

          "N-no. I started feeling like this ever since I woke up- well. When I fell asleep last night, actually" I say, remembering the heat I felt last night, along with the weird pinching feeling on my shoulder blades, which I can still remember feeling. Now that I think about it, it almost feels as if it's back. My shoulder starts twitching spasmodically, telling me that this feeling isn't my mind remembering the feel. I try not to react to it, which it goes away once the doctor looks at me.

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