Chapter 9: An Old Friend

Start from the beginning

"I could manage." I answered.

"Okay. Then we'll be going straight to the control room and we shut everything down. Mason, you'll cover me while I get into the computers," she paused. "Let's... try not to die."


"If you make one loud noise, I will make a run for it and leave you in this air shaft. If we make any sudden noises, every. Single. Room can hear us. Understand?" she had murder in her eyes. I could tell she was serious about this. It was a dangerous move. 

I nodded my head. "Got it."

Seren reached in a satchel she had brought along and pulled out a screwdriver. She unscrewed the screws in the air shaft's panel. It was a pretty large shaft. I think I could just fit in. Of course, it would be the perfect size for Seren. She finished with the panel and took it off. She crawled in and I followed.

It took about half an hour to reach the control room. There was one guard, who was a little older than Seren, but not by much. He had black hair and blue eyes and stood as if there would be danger at any moment. I guess that's how the guards are trained here. I glanced at Seren and saw a look of shock on her face. Suddenly, as if she had realized what she was doing, she angrily kicked down the panel of the shaft. The guard turned around to face us. He looked just as shocked as Seren did in the air shaft. Then he twisted his mouth into a half smile. "Why, it's been years, Seren! What took you so long to come visit me? Who's that, your boyfriend?" he said, slyly.

"I didn't come here for you, Hayden. You abandoned me when I needed you the most." Seren answered. I decided now would be the perfect time to tap into my ability. I saw everything like a movie. Two kids, around ten or eleven years old, running around and playing together, one of them being Seren, and the other being the guard, Hayden. Then there was great destruction, and Hayden, at about thirteen years old, watched as a helicopter flew him away. "Good job, kiddo," a man about middle aged spoke. "You really helped us down there." Hayden had a sly grin on his face.

"Thanks, Dad."

"He knew." I spoke suddenly. Seren and Hayden had their guns pointed at each other, waiting to fire them.

"What?" Seren asked, confused.

"You guys were good friends, weren't you? He knew about everything. The attack that killed your parents. In fact, he was helping the enemy while you were friends."

Seren was angrier than I've ever seen her. She fired her gun and Hayden dropped to the ground. I jumped back, surprised. "You just... shot him!" 

"He's a traitor! I hate him," she yelled, breathing heavily. Her eyes started welling up with tears. She quickly wiped them away. "I have to shut down the system." Seren pulled a device that looked like a hard drive out of her satchel.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It finds the password to any computer that it's plugged into." Seren answered. The computer unlocked, and there were many options. She clicked the emergency button. An alarm started going off, and a female voice started chanting "Warning: Hacker! Warning: Hacker!" over and over again.


Seren cursed. "Cover me. There will be guards at any second."

"If we die, it's your fault."

"Don't put the blame on me. How was I supposed to know they had a hacker detection?" Seren said.

"Well hurry up over there. The guards are approaching!" I ducked behind the wall and started shooting at he guards outside the door. A bullet flew past Seren's head, making her jump.

"I told you to cover me!"

"I'm trying! It's one against, like, thirty!"

A couple minutes went by when we heard alarms going off and the female voice was back again. "Attention: The building is in lockdown. Please find the nearest exit."

"Lets get out of here!" Seren yelled over the noise. We climbed up into the air shaft and made our way out.

As we climbed out of the shaft, Seren took out her device. "Call in the bombers."

"Bombers?" I asked.

"Our mission was to make an easy attack, so we did. That lockdown closed off all weapons and vehicles."

"Sweet," I said. "Now, lets get back to the ship.


"Oh my god!" Seren exclaimed. There were guards waiting for us outside the ship.

"Could we take them?" I asked.

"If we're quick. We may not defeat them all, but we can make it to the ship."

"On three?" I asked.

She smirked. "On three," she raised her gun. "One, two, three!" We ran out and started shooting. We took four guards down before they started fighting. 

I was aiming at a guard when I heard behind me, "Look out!" I turned around, but it was too late. Seren was already in front of me and the sharp blade of another guard's knife plunged into her gut.


Am I angry or something? I killed a lot of minor characters in this chapter. Oh well. 

I'd also like to tell you that I've been planning something new. Stay tuned!

Lots of love,


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