Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Harry's POV

I got home really late after the football player party. It was like I was now part of a new cult. I mean they were nice guys and I enjoyed having a laugh with them but I much rather be home. Or with Taylor. She didn't really say anything about my makeover which was kind of dissapointing. I thought I could swoon her but that didn't work she still seemed quite infatuated with Liam. Which was good I suppose. She was such a good person and fate obviously didn't want us to be. I crawl into bed and fall straight into a deep sleep. Waking up tomorrow was going to be so hard.

I wake up and drag my halfway unconcious body from my bed with a groan. I decide to rummage through some of the new clothes Gemma had gotten me. I saw a plaid button up and a green T shirt so I decided to layer the two with another pair of skinny jean. She also bought me a pair of black converse so I put those on. I take a minute to ruffle my curls out and then jump into the shower.

After I get out and get dressed I am still half asleep as I recieve a call from Taylor.

"Hello,' I answer in a raspy tone.

"Are you busy tonight?" She asks.

"No why?" I perk up.

"I need my bestfriend," She sounds as if she had previously been in tears.

"Anything," I respond with concern.

"Ok, come pick me up after school?' She requests.

"Sure," What wasn't she telling me?

"Bye Harry," She says.

"Bye Taylor," I respond and we hang up.

The whole school day was a blur. Not much happened and I was treated the way that I was yesterday. Everyone came to compliment me and talk to me. But once lunch rolled around Taylor wasn't there. I frown as Louis and I sit with the Selena and Ed. But Liam wasn't there today.

"Where's Tay?' Selena asks me.

"I don't know," I didn't want to tell her about the phone call.

"Oh," she says and we move on with the day.

I wait anxiously for the final bell to ring. I didn't pay much attention in class all day. I was just worried about Taylor. She seemed really sad when she called me. I jump up from my seat as soon as I hear the bell. Everyone watched me as I was the first to run off. I walk outside avoiding everyone. Louis and Selena were calling my name but I just kept going. I finally make it to Taylor's house. I knock on the door and wait.

"Marcel honey, what's going on?" Her mum greets me.

"Umm actually Taylor told me to come and get her," I respond rubbing one of my hands on the back of my neck.

"Go right on up. She won't talk to anyone or eat anything," Her mum has sad eyes.

"What happened?" I ask and she could see my growing concern.

"I don't know, this morning she woke up in tears begging me to let her miss school," She shrugs.

"Ill see if I can help get something out of her," I give a soft smile to her mum on last time before making my way upstairs.

"Taylor," I call softly and knock on her door.

"Come in," She seemed to be fine.

"You alright?" I ask as I sit next to her on her bed.

"No," She responds hugging her guitar.

"What happened?" I refrain myself from pulling her into a hug.

"Liam texted me last night saying it was over. He said that he couldn't handle our friendship," She responds slumping over her guitar even more.

"'s my fault," I say standing up and grabbing a wad of my hair.

"Harry don't go blaming yourself. I guess it was too good to be true," She falls back onto the bed.

"But you said it's because of our friendship," I pace back and forth as she watches me.

"Harry. stop," was all she said.

"Taylor I'll fix it. I'll talk to him," I was working myself up.

"Stop. Let's just go get something to eat. I'm starving," She says as she places one of her delicate hands on my bicep.

"Ok," I sigh.

"Mom! Harry and I are going to eat!" She yells.

"Don't stay out too late," Her mum yells seeming a lot happier.

We walk out to her small white car and she hops into the drivers seat.

"We're gonna go to the diner, I hope you don't mind," She says as she revvs up the engine.

"whatever you want," I reply nervously.

I mean this was really nerve racking. It was the girl I was in love with and she just broke up with her boyfriend. I mean what was suppose to happen next? Do I make a move on her? Wait that sounds stupid, she's my bestfriend and has been since almost forever. I should treat her like my little sister. But it was so hard. She was the best person I have ever met. Everything about her was perfect and I couldn't help myself. I loved her. But I know she didn't love me back. She wouldn't love me back. She loved Liam, I could tell by how heart broken she was. He was her everything that had vanished. All I should really do is mourn with her. Pick her back up and watch her fall in love with someone else or even Liam again. I guess hiding my feelings was for the best. No matter how much it hurt.

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