The Map

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Hogwarts 1977

Finally Lily, Alayna and the Marauders were able to board the train and have the last year at Hogwarts. Lily was picked as head girl and James was picked as head boy, Alayna and Lily were wondering how that could be since he was the schools trouble maker.

The two girls walked to Advanced Potions watching out that the boys weren't near.

"Last year when exams were done James, he—"

"Merlin, Lily he kissed you finally?!"

Alayna pulled them into a short corridor and looked intently at Lily.

"If you would let me finish. No he didn't, and I'm glad he didn't. After Transfiguration exams he and Sirius where joking around, James looked like, like he—" Lily said and she looked like she was holding her breath while remembering something.

"Lily? You're crushing on James! I can't believe it, after all, we did to try get you together," Alayna shouts with surprise.

"I might be, James has changed over the years, and you've already proved that they aren't that bad."

"I wouldn't shout your feeling Evans, I might overhear."

James walked up to them with the three other boys, Sirius wrapped his arm around Alayna and they quickly kiss before Remus cleared his throat. James leaned against the wall awfully close to Lily.

"How do you guys always find us? I mean if a normal student was looking for us it would take them forever," Alayna asked before James could take advantage of the moment and kiss Lily.

"Um, I tell you later Layna."

"No, go ahead, tell us Black," Lily pestered.

"Well, um, Peter I think that you can tell the girls," Peter jumped at the mention of his name and froze. "Fine," James continued and took in a deep breath. "We have a map of the school. And—well, it shows all the people in it. I know ludicrous."

"Merlin!" The girls screeched together making the boys grab their ears.

"Cool it, it's just a map," Remus demanded.

"How did you guys get it to work? You guys couldn't have made it. Nothing like that has been made before," the girls belted out question after question towards the boys.

"Remus made it, don't ask us we just came up with the idea," Sirius shrugged. "And we're not going to let you two know how we did it, you'll rat us out to McGonagall."

Alayna looked at Sirius doubtingly. "So you think that I'd rat out my own boyfriend about something that, most likely, isn't against the rules. Wow I'm offended," Alayna joked and Sirius quickly pulled her into a kiss.

"As much as I know that you like kissing her we still have class," James butted in and Sirius simply waved at James to leave. "Padfoot! Come on, I know how much that you like gloating but I don't so come on."

"Fine, but you could kiss—where'd Lily go?"

"She probably went to class. Sirius is right James, you should have gone with the chance and kissed Lily. She really is crushing on you," at that Alayna walked off to her next class. "Oh Sirius, I like your muggle shirt," she added and all the boys looked at Sirius' Beatles t-shirt.

Okay, I am sooo sorry for not updating sooner.  I've been lazy, lazy, and lazy.  This was the first time in awhile that I've written a full page at one sitting.  Vote, comment, predictions?

(Editing on hold) Falling For The Enemy (A Marauders Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now